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"Were I but young for thee, as I haz been, We should have been gallopin' down in your green. And linkin' it owre the lily-white lea; And ah, gin I were but young for thee!" Of a sudden he sat up stiffly, at the sound of a tap-tap on the window-pane behind him. Yes, decidedly the sound came from the window. The wind as Archelaus had said was rising; but this was no wind.

"Your defunct beauty visited you and bestowed her mysterious caress very apropos," remarked Scapin, incredulously; "but I would be willing to take my oath that yonder vigorous kiss had been imprinted upon your lily-white neck by the stinging contact of a stout club." "Unmannerly jester and scoffer that you are! is nothing sacred to you?" broke in Leander, with some show of heat.

This is a better ideal of beauty than the lily-white, slender and dainty maid of the cultured, who very often can neither work nor bear and nurse children. When we leave the physical qualities and pass to the mental we again find a lack of agreement as to the admirable. All agree that intelligence is to be admired, but how shall that intelligence be manifested?

You're rather overdoing the simple life, Monsieur er Philidor. You're very ragged and ah a trifle soiled." "Outwardly only, chre Olga," he laughed. "Inwardly my soul is lily-white." "I'm not so sure of that. No one's soul can be lily-white whose beard is two weeks old. Also, mon ami, you look half famished." "My soul " he began. "Your stomach!" she broke in. "Come with me.

"Your scientific curiosity seems to be almost as great as your fear of the insect creation. But, really, it is quite a harmless little fellow. See!" and he pointed to a steel beetle set with a view to ornamental effect in the centre of a little rosette of ribbons. "Oh, shameless!" exclaimed the young girl, sinking her lily-white face again among the abundant waves of her hair.

Some scanty white curls emerged from under the white skull-cap, thus whitely crowning the thin white face, whose ugliness was softened by all this whiteness, this spiritual whiteness in which Leo XIII's flesh seemed as it were but pure lily-white florescence.

"What gets me, though, is the way this young Ashton, this lily-white lallapaloozer of a kid-glove C. E., came slipping in with his plans less than a month after the contest. I looked up the records." "What were you doing, digging into that proposition?" demanded Blake. "What d' you suppose? Ashton was slick enough to get an ironclad contract as Resident Engineer.

But down in the San Pitch Valley at Gunnison, I discovered a genuine lily, happily named Lily Young. She is a granddaughter of Brigham Young, slender and graceful, with lily-white cheeks tinted with clear rose, She was brought up in the old Salt Lake Zion House, but by some strange chance has been transplanted to this wilderness, where she blooms alone, the "Lily of San Pitch."

It cost me many bitter tears because I got sunburned, and my hands were hard, rough, and stained with machine oil, and I used to wonder how any Prince Charming could overlook all that in any girl he came to. For all I had ever read of the Prince had to do with his "reverently kissing her lily-white hand," or doing some other fool trick with a hand as white as a snowflake.

She lighted a brand of pine in the fire, and started one of the stable boys up a ladder by its light to ransack the pigeon-cote, and in a very little while both a chicken and a bird were broiled and set upon the kitchen-table upon a spotless cloth, and the plume of lily-white celery, and the smoking toast in velvet cream, warmed the Judge's nostrils, and dried his tears.