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He bowed successively to the three women, and several times with the utmost respect to the abbe, making signs of apology for the interruption caused by his appearance; then, coughing several times, he turned to Madame Legrand, and said in a feeble voice, which seemed to betoken much suffering

"And yet," said Legrand, "the solution is by no means so difficult as you might be led to imagine from the first hasty inspection of the characters. These characters, as any one might readily guess, form a cipher that is to say, they convey a meaning; but then, from what is known of Kidd, I could not suppose him capable of constructing any of the more abstruse cryptographs.

A general pause ensued, and I began to hope that the farce was at an end. Legrand, however, although evidently much disconcerted, wiped his brow thoughtfully and recommenced. We had excavated the entire circle of four feet diameter, and now we slightly enlarged the limit, and went to the farther depth of two feet. Still nothing appeared.

The risk of the achievement was, in fact, now over, although the climber was some sixty or seventy feet from the ground. "Which way mus' go now, Massa Will?" he asked. "Keep up the largest branch, the one on this side," said Legrand.

This project would have certainly been carried out if Saint-Cyr had been in overall command; but Victor was the more senior of the two marshals and Saint-Cyr was unwilling to serve under his orders, so the evening before their union which took place at Smoliany on the 31st of October, he declared that he could no longer continue the campaign and handing over the command to General Legrand, he set off to return to France.

Yes, he has spread a report that you, Madame Legrand, you, his former mistress and benefactress, have put temptation in his way, and desired to commit carnal sin with him.

He could do what he said with every prospect of success, and was prepared to fulfill his bargain to the letter. Bruslart was already planning how he could overreach his companion. "It is a monstrous price to pay." "It saves you from the guillotine," answered Legrand. "Very well, I'll pay it," said Bruslart, after a moment's thought. "Quickly, then. I will go at once. Give me the money."

I said, after contemplating it for some minutes, "this is a strange scarabaeus, I must confess; new to me: never saw anything like it before unless it was a skull, or a death's-head, which it more nearly resembles than anything else that has come under MY observation." "A death's-head!" echoed Legrand "Oh yes well, it has something of that appearance upon paper, no doubt.

However, Pere Cartault's prophecy was not fulfilled: the blessing of Heaven did not descend on the Legrand establishment. There seemed to be a succession of misfortunes which all Derues' zeal and care as shopman could neither prevent nor repair.

"And yet," said Legrand, "the solution is by no means so difficult as you might be led to imagine from the first hasty inspection of the characters.