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Gilbert stood back from the carriage and waved his hand to him, and Henry leant with his head through the window of his carriage, smiling.... "Damn Trinity," he said, sitting back in his seat, and letting depression envelop him. "Damn and blast Trinity!..." I write of Youth, of Love, and have Accesse By these, to sing of cleanly-Wantonnesse.

Pickwick, taking his nightly allowance of air; and beside him leant Samuel Weller, who, seeing Mrs. Bardell, took his hat off with mock reverence, while his master turned indignantly on his heel. 'Don't bother the woman, said the turnkey to Weller; 'she's just come in. 'A prisoner! said Sam, quickly replacing his hat. 'Who's the plaintives? What for? Speak up, old feller.

My love is for you, to brighten what remains to you of life." Sagrario leant on Gabriel's breast. "How good you are!" she sighed; "what a beautiful soul!" "Yours is the same, poor Sagrario. Your life has been a snare. You sold yourself through hunger and despair as do thousands of others; you thought to find bread in the false pretences of love.

Say, Harmachis, wilt thou take pity on my loneliness and befriend me, who have lovers, courtiers, slaves, dependents, more thick than I can count, but never one single friend?" and she leant towards me, touching me lightly, and gazed on me with her wonderful blue eyes. I was overcome; thinking of the morrow night, shame and sorrow smote me. I, her friend!

Ricardo, who had not moved or spoken, but had sat hunched together like a captive bird, leant forward with his finger to his lips. Christine had fallen asleep. Her hands lay folded upon her work and her face was still lifted to the black ridge of roof where the sun had vanished.

It seems strange that Gilbert White, so accurate an observer of birds, should actually have toyed with this curious belief, though he leant rather to the more reasonable version of occasional hybernation in caves or other sheltered hiding-places.

All this time Meynell had keenly watched the play; he had risen from the sofa noiselessly, taken a large carving-fork from the supper table, and, unobserved by any of the excited players, stood behind the dealer's chair; his thin lips firmly compressed, and the fork grasped in his right hand, he leant over the table. This was at the point of the game when the decisive card was to be turned.

Against a background of screens stood the figure of an old man a very old man, it would appear, since his back was bowed and his head and beard white as the snow on the ground outside. His brown cloak hung in tatters, and he leant heavily upon his staff.

"The first fish we catch is ever the finest, Mynheer, and if we haven't quite caught it, oh! what a fine fish is that." "I have no time to waste in chopping riddles. What is your errand? Tell it, or leave it untold, but be quick." Black Meg leant forward, and the hoarse voice sank to a cavernous whisper.

It was this which Bennet had now to report to Henry. The French alliance, it was too likely, would prove a broken reed, and pierce the hand that leant upon it. Henry knew the danger; but danger was not a very terrible thing either to him or to his people.