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Then, quickly glancing around, she picked up a large carving-fork, and sticking it through the paper into the soft wood of the table, she left it standing there. "Now it won't blow away when we open the door," she whispered. "Come on." "You cannot go out to the barn," I said; "we will bring up the sleigh." "Oh, no, no, no," she answered, "I must not wait here.

Unless the platter be very large, provide an extra dish, also a fork for serving. Insert the carving-fork across the middle of the breast-bone. Cut through the skin between the breast and the thigh. Bend the leg over, and cut off close to the body and through the joint. Cut through the top of the shoulder down through the wing-joint.

From these appearances twenty years had taught me to fly to any burrow, but your dinner-table offers no retreat; you are hoist, so to speak, on your own carving-fork. There are men, of course, and even women, who have scruples about taking advantage of so intimate and unguarded an opportunity, but Armour, I rapidly decided, was not one of these.

He's a strange old chap, for another, he added in a louder voice, 'and don't understand any one hardly, but HIM! He pointed to his honoured parent with the carving-fork, in order that they might know whom he meant. 'How very strange! cried the sisters.

"I suppose YOU spoke to her about that?" said Perkins, smiling. "Not exactly; I sent for another, and handed her the dirty one," returned Mrs. Perkins. "I guess she felt all that I could have said." And time went on, and Jane continued to decay. She pulled corks from olive-bottles with the carving-fork prongs and bent them backwards. She developed a habit of going out and leaving her work undone.

I should think his conscience would wear a hole right through him, and if she brings that picture of his head home with her, I'll jab the carving-fork into it, sure's the world!"

All this time Meynell had keenly watched the play; he had risen from the sofa noiselessly, taken a large carving-fork from the supper table, and, unobserved by any of the excited players, stood behind the dealer's chair; his thin lips firmly compressed, and the fork grasped in his right hand, he leant over the table. This was at the point of the game when the decisive card was to be turned.

Oh, I did not see you had a valise. Now, hurry in, all of you!" That dinner was a most lively meal. Everybody seemed to be talking at once, yet they all found time to eat. The father talked so much that his daughter Edith took the carving-fork from him and served out the mutton-chops herself.

Enraged, as much at the laughter against him as at the blow he had received, he snatched up a carving-fork, and, before any one was aware of his intention, stabbed me with it four times. I jumped up to punish him, but the moment I got on my legs, was so stiff, that I fell back into the arms of my mess-mates.

He taught her to broil a chop over her coal fire by removing the stove lid until then they had been fried and a new way with a rasher of bacon, using the carving-fork instead of a pan.