United States or Zambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'But, on the other hand, all the lonely women, the widows and spinsters, who haven't got anything else, they shall have the children. 'I won't go so far as that, he laughed, boundlessly relieved that the conversation was not taking the strenuous turn he for a moment feared. 'But I'll tell you what I'll do.

Above the threshold was suspended a golden cage, from which a black and white magpie greeted the visitors. My companions laughed, but I plucked up my courage and did not hesitate, but went on and examined the entire wall.

The apples have had blossoms and fruit, and all the other trees the same, yet here we hang and grow, and the days go by and we're only laughed at for our ugliness and want of sweetness. "'Wait a little longer, said the old crow; 'wait, and take pains to grow!

Then he laughed, a wild, exulting ha! ha! with a strange triumphant roar that filled the house and reechoed through it; a sound full of fierce, animal rapture, enjoyment of sensual life mixed up with a sort of horror. After all, real as it was, it was like the sounds a man makes in a dream.

And Bunty, who had followed close behind, looked from the tall figure of his stepmother to the very small one of her mother and laughed. Esther darted back to the buggy, took the General from Pip, and, springing up the steps again, placed him in her mother's arms. "Isn't he a fat 'un!" Bunty said, sharing in her pride; "just you look at his legs."

The gill-net men laughed in their soiled sleeves and furtively swept the bay clear each night and all night, and the daytime haul of the seine fell far below the average. The Blackbird and the Bluebird waddled down a placid Gulf with all they could carry.

"I was sorry I couldn't launch her with the mast stepped, so as to dress her in the colors." "In that case, you would have needed the flags of all nations. I have them, and will lend them to you any time when you wish to make a sensation." "Thank you, sir." "I have here the white cross of Denmark," added the captain, holding up the mended bill. "A fifty-dollar white-cross," laughed Donald.

"Certainly. They are the only questions worth asking." He laughed. "You are, I think, from Sweden?" "That is my country." "And I am told you are a writer?" She bent her head. "I can see also that you are what shall I say? very critical of your sex no doubt, still more of mine! I wonder if I may ask " He paused, his smiling eyes upon her. "Ask anything you like."

'No; I don't think you would at all, said Edith, looking him straight in the face. 'That's quite fair, he laughed, and seemed rather pleased. 'You mean I should bore you to death! Do forgive me, Mrs Ottley. Let's go on with our talk of last night.... I feel it's rather like the Palace of Truth here; I don't know why.

'Do you see what it says? the Eton boy laughed as he looked back. "We demand the vote." Fancy! They "demand" it. What awful cheek! and he laughed again at the fatuity of the female creature.