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Why, for instance, do you think Lamb was so haunted by "Rose Aylmer"? Quote from Landor's poems to illustrate his tenderness, his sensitiveness to beauty, his power of awakening emotion, his delicacy of characterization. Do you find the same qualities in his prose? Can you explain why much of his prose seems like a translation from the Greek?

Landor's tent, bringing food and ponies. While Mr. Landor and his servants were engaged trying and selecting ponies, the crowd increased and came up behind its three victims. Suddenly, without any warning, the Tibetans rushed on Mr. Landor and his two servants, and, overwhelming them by numbers, made prisoners of them. They cruelly bound their surprised victims.

Whether the little dove Ida found Venus and her winged car a weary burden to draw, I cannot tell you; but some time you may yourself become one of Venus's doves, and then you will know all about it. EDWARD, Mrs. Landor's son. ELINOR, a gypsy woman. JULIA. Fantastically dressed. LISA. In an old brown dress. CATHARINE HALL. SARAH MUNN. Constable and men. Many children, dressed as fairies.

I shall adopt it as explanatory of that violent but dignified motion. I must read again Landor's "Julian;" I have not read it some time. I think he must have failed in Roderick, for I remember nothing of him, nor of any distinct character as a character, only fine-sounding passages.

Frederick Locker that the "London Lyrics" were "overrated"? "I have suspected this," comments the poet, whose least noticeable characteristic was vanity; "but I was none the less sorry to hear him say so." Landor's reply to a lady who accused him of speaking of her with unkindness, "Madame, I have wasted my life in defending you!" was pardonable as a repartee.

Good selections are given in Craik, V.; Chambers, III.; Manly, II. Inexpensive editions of Landor's Imaginary Conversations and Pericles and Aspasia may be found in the Camelot Series. The Camelot Series and the Temple Classics also contain some of Hazlitt's works. A selection from Leigh Hunt's Essays is published in the Camelot Series. What are the main characteristics of Landor's style?

Landor" rather ceremoniously and submissively. There was a certain "Caro Pedre Abete Marina" invariably so addressed in these anecdotes who figured through a great many of them, and who always expressed himself in this deferential tone. Mr. Forster writes of Landor's character thus: "A man must be judged, at first, by what he says and does.

The grand-looking author of "Pericles and Aspasia" was standing in the middle of the room when we entered, and his voice sounded like an explosion of first-class artillery. Seeing Procter enter, he immediately began to address him compliments in high-sounding Latin. Poor modest Procter pretended to stop his ears that he might not listen to Landor's eulogistic phrases.

Again Landor's eyes made the circle, halted at the intrepid brown waif who, that first word of greeting spoken, had silently stared him back. "You're sure you don't know anything more, baby? You didn't hear anything until the boy came?" "No, Uncle Billy. I was asleep. When I woke up it was dark, and I was hungry and and " At last it had come: the spattering, turbulent tear storm.

Whereupon the orthodox Bishop reared his head, as he knelt with the rest of the congregation and roared aloud "Damnation!" Whether the curate had to be carried out fainting, I don't remember. The next letter of Landor's that I have is dated 13th April, St. James's Square, Bath. The postmark shows that it was written in 1838. "MY DEAR SIR, I have had Kenyon here these last four days.