United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The enthusiasm increased as days passed without bringing any intelligence of the "Vega." By the end of December, the subscription had reached a considerable sum. Dr. Sehwaryencrona and Mr. Bredejord had headed the list with a subscription of ten thousand kroners each. They were members of the committee who had chosen Erik for their secretary. The latter was in fact the soul of the undertaking.

Hamilton?" inquired the blind man. "What was their motive?" "A very strong one," was the reply. "I had recognised in Krail a man who had defrauded the Baron de Hetzendorf of fifty thousand kroners, and for whom the police were in active search, both for that and for several other serious charges of a similar character.

So we set him to work in a back alley of Vienna at three kroners a day double pay for him and Schönfeld ran down from Petersburg now and then to coach him." "You could trust him?" I inquired, recalling how Sarafoff had subsequently won fame by confessing to his most famous forgery. "As much as one can anybody.

"For what purpose did he subscribe twenty thousand kroners for the voyage of the 'Alaska, when it was doubtful if she would ever make the journey? Why did he embark with us to leave us at Brest? I think we must be blind indeed if we do not see in these facts a chain of evidence as logical as it is frightful. What interest has Tudor Brown in all this? I do not know.

Malarius, the public teacher of Noroe, and laureate of the Botanical Society. It contained a check for one hundred kroners, and begged that he might be attached to the expedition as the assistant naturalist of the "Alaska." The other contained a check for twenty-five thousand kroners, with this laconic note: "For the voyage of the 'Alaska, from Mr.

"On benches along the Embankment, once or twice in the parks. But that's all over now," he said earnestly. "I'm all right. I've got my ship. I couldn't part with that before, because it was the only thing I had to hang on to the world with. But I'm all right now." Lincott took up the coin and turned it over in the palm of his hand. "Twenty kroners," he said.

But that is all ended now nobody will buy the brown oil, or, if they do, they pay so little for it, that it is not worth while to take the journey. We must be satisfied with selling the livers to the factory, and God only knows how this tiresome doctor has managed to get them for such a low price. I hardly realize forty-five kroners now, and I have to take twice as much trouble as formerly.

It would have been an act of charity to give him this money in case his mother could not. He could have added another field to his land then. "Look here, Petra why don't you give Nikolai the two hundred kroner he needs for fodder for a horse?" "And four hundred to buy the horse," she muttered. "That makes six." "I haven't got such a lot of six hundred kroners lying about."

I am proud and happy to learn that Erik acted in these circumstances, as always before, like a brave boy and a devoted son. You will find a check in this letter for 500 kroners; and I beg you to give them to him from me. Tell him if it is not enough to buy at Bergen a first-class boat, he must let me know without delay. He must name this boat 'Cynthia, and then present it to Mr.

As for the condition upon which Tudor Brown bestowed his donation of twenty-five thousand kroners, both Dr. Schwaryencrona and Mr. Bredejord were strongly inclined to refuse to grant it. But if called upon to give some motive for their repugnance, they had to confess that they would not know what to say.