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In reaching Petrograd it had been necessary for them to pass through the Kiel canal, which they had done safely in their submarine in spite of the German warships and harbor defenses. Also they had managed to sink several enemy vessels there. Returning, Frank and Jack had gone home with Lord Hastings, where Lady Hastings had insisted that they remain quiet for some time.

It is this: unless the English government sends a fast destroyer to Kiel before four o'clock to-morrow afternoon, the Germans will command London before seven days have passed. And to the best of my belief, Mr. Staunton, you are the only man who can save this country." "I will hear the story in a moment," Staunton said calmly. "First! You have been to the government?" "We have," Guest answered.

One of the conspicuous features of the pageants which attended the opening of the Kiel Canal, between the North and the Baltic seas, on June 19th, 1895, was the fleet of war-vessels which assembled in the harbor at Kiel. It was the most remarkable ever seen in any waters, numbering over a hundred of the finest vessels in existence.

Fact is, them boxes held enough ca'tridges t' lick out another Kiel rebellion 'n' leave over 'nough t' run all th' deer 'tween Thirty-one Mile Lake 'n' the Lievre plumb north into James's Bay, for if there's anythin' your average sportin' deer-hunters can be counted on for sure's death 'n' taxes, it's t' begin throwin' lead, at th' rate o' about ten pound apiece a day, the minute they gets into th' bush, at rocks 'n' trees 'n' loons 'n' chipmucks never killin' nothin' but their chance o' seein' a deer.

Then again the heavy voice to port: "You speck not the truth. U-boat 29 is in der Kiel Canal. You are English or Yankee. We call on you to surrender!" McClure's answer was to slam down the lid of the conning tower and ring for full speed in the engine room. Instantly he switched the rudder to starboard as the Dewey's propeller blades began to turn.

He went off after the visit of the British fleet to Kiel. Who knows whether before he gets back, things may have gone too far? Can't you see that I must go? Wouldn't you go if you were me? Suppose you were in Germany now, wouldn't you hurry home?" Michael was silent, and Hermann spoke again. "And if there is trouble with Russia, France, I take it, is bound to join her.

The Crown Prince having witnessed the reduction of some of these fortresses, and entrusted the siege of the others to his lieutenants invaded Denmark, and the government of that country perceived the necessity of acceding to the European alliance, by whatever fine its long adhesion to Napoleon might be expiated. The treaty was concluded at Kiel, on the 14th of January, 1814.

Helgoland and the newly enlarged Kiel Canal were hives where an intensive industry kept every man and vessel fit. And the navy grew while it waited. It was not the work of a day, though, nor of a generation, to match the sea power that Great Britain had spent centuries in building.

The Kaiser leaves Kiel for a cruise in Northern waters. July 9. Results of Austro-Hungarian investigation into the Servian crime laid before the Emperor. July 13, 14. Serious disclosures about condition of French army. July 13, 14, 15, 16. Heavy selling of Canadian Pacific Railway Shares, especially by Berlin operators. July 16.

But the Government feared that such a visit would be very disturbing to France and Russia. Already Mr. Churchill's proposal for a "naval holiday" had so wrought up the French that a hurried trip to France by Mr. Asquith had been necessary to quiet them; the consternation that would have been caused in Paris by the presence of Sir Edward Grey at Kiel can only be imagined.