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Scarfaced Charley said: "We like go reservation; too much hungry, my squaw nearly dead, ketchem some fish her, purty soon go." After I had informed him that I would have to take them all back to Gen. Wheaton's quarters, Charley said: "What for?"

One day, in Canal Street, Kincaid met "Smellemout and Ketchem." It was pleasant to talk with men of such tranquil speech. He proposed a glass of wine, but just then they were "strictly temperance." They alluded familiarly to his and Greenleaf's midnight adventure. The two bull-drivers, they said, were still unapprehended.

Them's the very words of the village law and we come to tell you that all these youngsters will hev ter report for school at nine A.M. to-morrer morning, in said village of East Ketchem." "Foiled!" said Nick, falling back on the ground. "Horrors and confusion!" said Fido Norton. "That we should live to hear this!" moaned Charlie Norris.

The first occasion on which the voice of Scout Harris arose to its former height was on the last day before West Ketchem summoned its bronzed scouts over to the makeshift school which had been prepared in a vacant, old-fashioned mansion. They had had plenty of fun in the meantime and they went with a good will.

Safety First had been asked to do the honors but he had insisted on Scoutmaster Ned making the address. That address has even been memorable in West Ketchem history. Hereafter, whenever I see a frying-pan I'll think of you and wish you were in it, being fried to a turn. I'm on the verge of nervous presumption or whatever you call it, and I'll be glad to get rid of you every one of you!

"Who wants to go to East Ketchem, anyway?" said Norris. "We should bother our heads about a landing place." "Leave it to me. I'll fix it," Pee-wee said. In the late afternoon they sprawled about and found the velvet coverlet of pine needles restful to their weary bodies. "Well, it's all over but the shouting," said Scoutmaster Ned. "All we need is sup " "I'll do it!" shouted Pee-wee.

It seemed to the young men that they had just fairly commenced to enjoy their lunch, when a prolonged shriek of a locomotive, dying away in the distance, awakened them to a sense of the flight of time. Hastily pulling out his watch, Haldane exclaimed with an oath: "There goes our train." Messrs. Van Wink and Ketchem were apparently much concerned.

"My dear, it's so cheap!" These words were spoken by my wife, as she sat gracefully on a roll of Brussels carpet which was spread out in flowery lengths on the floor of Messrs. Ketchem & Co. "It's so cheap!" Milton says that the love of praise is the last infirmity of noble minds. I think he had not rightly considered the subject. I believe that last infirmity is the love of getting things cheap!

Ketchem bowed gracefully over the yardstick to my wife, and I consented. Yes, I consented; but whenever I think of myself at that moment, I always am reminded, in a small way, of Adam taking the apple; and my wife, seated on that roll of carpet, has more than once suggested to my mind the classic image of Pandora opening her unlucky box. In fact, from the moment I had blandly assented to Mr.

It seemed to breathe peacefulness, which was Pee-wee's middle name. It afforded a fine view of East Ketchem, the thriving community on the east shore of Kidder Lake; and the crystal spring, and stalking facilities, and better shelter of the stately, solemn pines, seemed in accordance with scout requirements.