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In this outfit there were Scarfaced Charley and Black Jim, their squaws, and two other Indians. The moment we saw them we both drew our pistols, but concealed them from their view by hiding them under our coats. When we approached them they all said, "Good morning." I did not see any guns near them nor did either of them have pistols.

From this on you will find that they will gradually desert Jack, for the squaws told me that they were getting very hungry." It was reported around that Captain Jack and three other Indians would be hung if caught alive, this being the orders from headquarters. The other three were Schonchin, Scarfaced Charlie and Shacknasty Jim, these being Jack's council or under chiefs.

Scarfaced Charley said: "We like go reservation; too much hungry, my squaw nearly dead, ketchem some fish her, purty soon go." After I had informed him that I would have to take them all back to Gen. Wheaton's quarters, Charley said: "What for?"