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"Did you call Captain Kendall a puppy on the quarter-deck of the Josephine?" "I don't know whether it was on the quarter-deck or the half-deck." "Oblige me by answering my question." "Perhaps I did," replied Mr. Hamblin, looking upon the floor of the carriage; for this, he was conscious, was his weak point. "I must ask you either to affirm or deny that portion of Captain Kendall's complaint."

The regular group will be here?" Kendall nodded as he signed in triplicate. That evening, Buck had found the trouble in his apparatus, for as he well knew, the theory was right, only the practical apparatus needed changing. Before the group composed of Faragaut, McLaurin and the members of Kendall's "bank," he demonstrated it.

"Every apartment in the Lodge is filled at present, and unless someone should leave, I do not see how we can hope to have the pleasure of Miss Kendall's being with us." Mrs. Spicer, always practical and to the point, demanded if there were any prospect of a removal. Miss Ardsley feared not, since the Lodge was so deservedly popular.

His rank as Technical Engineer was practically equivalent to Kendall's circle-rank, which made the two more comfortable together. Cole was listening carefully to the signals coming through from Pluto. "That," he decided, "sounds like Tad Nichols' fist. You can recognize that broken-down truck-horse trot of his on the key as far away as you can hear it." "Is that what it is?" sighed Buck.

It will depend upon Mr. Kendall's health. But, Grandfather, I do feel rather like a deserter, going off and leaving you here " "Good Lord! You don't cal'late I'M breakin' down, runnin' strong to talk and weakenin' everywhere else, like old Minister Kendall, do you?" "Well, hardly. But . . . well, you see, I have felt a little ungrateful ever since I came back from the war.

Kendall's objections, Morse did go out on the next cable-laying expedition, and yet he found in the end that Mr. Kendall's suspicions were by no means unjustified. But of this in its proper place.

The officers of these untrained American troops were, like Hull, pompous, broken-down, political incapables; while to the men themselves may fairly be applied Amos Kendall's disgusted characterization of a Kentucky muster: "The soldiers are under no more restraint than a herd of swine.

Gale in the preceding chapter, and by many others. He always refused to consider for a moment the substitution of a younger man on the plea of Mr. Kendall's failing health, and his carelessness in the keeping of their personal accounts. It is true that, because of this laxity on Mr.

The two ships saw each other plainly enough before the fog closed on them. No one can question Captain Kendall's prudence. He has been as prudent as ever he could be. There is not a shadow of doubt as to that.

Her catamenia were very scant, but this was attributed to her change of life. She had conceived, had gone to the full term of gestation, and was in labor ten hours without any suspicion of pregnancy. She was successfully delivered of a girl, which occasioned much rejoicing in the household. Tasker of Kendall's Mills, Me., reports the case of a young married woman calling him for bilious colic.