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Updated: January 25, 2025

"You will have a good profit, and we can afford to pay it. I shall expect the iron day after to-morrow." "It will be delivered before noon. Master Adam has a treasure in you, dear Jungfer. If my son were alive, I know where he would seek a wife. Wilhelm Ykens has told me of his troubles; he is a skilful goldsmith. Why do you give the poor fellow no hope? Consider!

We had to work for the whole theater; Jungfer Patges, who became so famous later on, got her first dancing shoes from us." "Yes, those are the fellows!" said Master Andres, as at last they bustled out; "devil take me, but those are the chaps!" Jeppe could not in the least understand how they had found their way thither, and Master Andres did not explain that he had been to the tavern.

Her back was turned, and he saw only the round outline of the head, the long black braids, the plain dress, bordered with velvet, and the lace in the neck. An elderly man in the costume of a merchant was just holding out his hand in farewell, and he heard him say: "You've bought too cheap again, far too cheap, Jungfer Ruth." "Just a fair price," she answered quietly.

"Of course I'm at your service. Let us go; have you the notes at home?" "No, Herr von Dornburg, I have just taken them to the ladies; but early to-morrow morning " "There will be a rehearsal early to-morrow morning! The jug is for me, Jungfer Dortchen! Your health, Colonel Mulder! Captain Huivenvoorde, I drain this goblet to your new standard and hope to have many a jolly ride by your side."

"Perhaps Jungfer Patges sent them to me," he said, gazing into the distance. "She must somehow have kept me in mind." Free tickets poured in on them; the young master was in the theater every evening. Pelle received a gallery ticket every time he went round with a pair of boots. He was to say nothing but the price was plainly marked on the sole with chalk.

"They've got the souls of grocers!" he would cry. "Then we must peg those soles!" "That won't answer with ladies' patent-leather shoes!" replied Pelle very positively. "Damn and blast it all, it will answer! We'll black the bottom with cobbler's wax." But when the black was trodden off, Jungfer Lund and the others called, and were wroth. They were not accustomed to walk in pegged shoes.

In earnest; it might happen that Ulrich... wait... at midnight I shall keep guard on the rampart with my company, then I'll look...." "We, we will seek him!" cried Ruth, seizing the smith's arm. "I will," replied the smith; "you must stay here." "No, father, I will go with you." The lansquenet also shook his head, saying "Jungfer, Jungfer, you don't know what a day this is.

"Of course I'm at your service. Let us go; have you the notes at home?" "No, Herr von Dornburg, I have just taken them to the ladies; but early to-morrow morning " "There will be a rehearsal early to-morrow morning! The jug is for me, Jungfer Dortchen! Your health, Colonel Mulder! Captain Huivenvoorde, I drain this goblet to your new standard and hope to have many a jolly ride by your side."

I shall write nothing more, because you write so seldom to me nothing, except that Herr Eck, who has just crept into the room to fetch his sword which he forgot the last time he was here, sends his best wishes to Thresel, Pimperl, Jungfer Mitzerl, Gilofsky, Katherl, my sister, and, last of all, to yourself. Kiss Thresel for me; a thousand kisses to Pimperl. Munich, Dec. 16, 1780.

Her back was turned, and he saw only the round outline of the head, the long black braids, the plain dress, bordered with velvet, and the lace in the neck. An elderly man in the costume of a merchant was just holding out his hand in farewell, and he heard him say: "You've bought too cheap again, far too cheap, Jungfer Ruth." "Just a fair price," she answered quietly.

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