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This innovation, together with the fact that eventually watches came to be made on regulation scales with interchangeable parts, greatly bettered as well as increased watch production." "I've quite a curiosity to know how this big factory system and in fact the whole clock and watch industry got started in America," the boy observed. His father smiled.

At another moment, however, the same poet may celebrate Osiris with equal enthusiasm these high gods are interchangeable. The suggestion from such fluid conceptions of the divine persons is that the real thought in the mind of the poet was the supremacy of some divine power which is incorporated now in one familiar divine name, now in another.

But these fell in by chance during quiet intervals, and served to heighten contrast only. And so many of the principal roles were almost obviously assumed, interchangeable almost; any day the players might drop their wigs, rub off the paint, and appear otherwise, as they were in private life.

And upon Damaris it now dawned that these two, distinct yet interchangeable personalities imprisoned, as by some evil magic in one picture were in opposition, in violent and impious conflict, which conflict she was called upon, yet was powerless, to avert or to assuage.

"It cannot be the Inferno; that is clear, at least," she added, with the sprightliness which was one of her characteristics; "perhaps Purgatory? since you infer I have something to endure." "Words are interchangeable," he said: "that means one thing to one of us which to another has a totally different signification."

It required no revolution of his nature to learn to calculate the range and fire a field gun or to march the goose-step. It was a mere matter of training. Our material achievement is the product of our intellect. It is knowledge, and knowledge, like coin, is interchangeable. It is not wrapped up in the heredity of the new-born child, but is something to be acquired afterward.

But Hester Bevins would not let herself be gainsaid, sobbing a little, elbowing her way through the group of mental unborns, and leaving me to blow my pitch pipe for a minor key. Not that Hester's isn't one of the oldest stories in the world, too. No matter how newly told, she is as old as sin, and sin is but a few weeks younger than love and how often the two are interchangeable!

For the moment they are content to keep their spies on me; but were it not for the protection of the good abate, my superior, I should long since have been turned out." "And why," asked Odo, "do you speak of the court and the Church as one?" "Because, sir, in our virtuous duchy the terms are interchangeable.

But one baked potato would furnish the same energy as the three lumps of sugar; a quarter of a pound of cornstarch would supply the same fuel as the quarter pound of sugar. Nutritionally starch and sugar are interchangeable, the advantage as far as digestion is concerned being with the starch rather than the sugar. And yet we put sugar on starch!

What is 'true' for the pragmatist cannot be what is 'correct, he says, 'for the definitions are not logically interchangeable; or if we interchange them, we reach the tautology: "Caesar is dead" means "it is expedient to believe that Caesar is dead." But what is it expedient to believe? Why, "that Caesar is dead." A precious definition indeed of 'Caesar is dead. Mr.