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There was moist pity in her eyes, yet they gleamed with excitement at the thought of this battle of the Titans for her sake. "I will go to him," she said after a moment, "and tell him that you mean nothing to me. Then he will stop." The cold, incurious eyes studied her without passion, and once more he smiled. "He'll not stop. Whether you like me or not, Kate, doesn't count.

BY the first of February Thea had been in Chicago almost four months, and she did not know much more about the city than if she had never quitted Moonstone. She was, as Harsanyi said, incurious. Her work took most of her time, and she found that she had to sleep a good deal. It had never before been so hard to get up in the morning.

"Cousin Chilian, I want to tell you" her voice had the peculiar softness that one uses to try to cover the hurt one cannot help giving "Mr. Saltonstall was here last evening. He has asked me to marry him." It seemed to her the silence lasted moments. Then he said in an incurious tone, "Well?" "I will you be angry or disappointed when I confess that I cannot, that I do not love him."

The rare foot-passenger who brushed by her turned involuntarily to glance at the countenance of one so still, and then as involuntarily to survey the house to which that countenance was lifted. No such observer so incurious as not to hazard conjecture what evil to that house was boded by the dark lurid eyes that watched it with so fixed a menace.

Tessie of the old days had never needed to depend on the other girls for the latest bit of gossip. Her alert eye and quick ear had always caught it first. But of late she had led a cloistered existence, indifferent to the world about her. The Chippewa Courier went into the newspaper pile behind the kitchen door without a glance from Tessie's incurious eye. She was late this morning.

He is incurious as to her secrets and calls upon her aid to interpret his own, but he is so independent of her, if he be a decorative painter of the first rank a Diaz or a Dupré that his rendering of her, his picture, would have an agreeable effect, owing to its design or color or both, if it were turned upside down.

"If I have not questioned you," Eden said, at last, "it has been for a woman's reason. I am content. Had you a grief, I would demand to share it with you. It would be my right, would it not? But of what has gone before I prefer to remain in ignorance. It is not that I am incurious. It is that I prefer to think of your life as I think of my own, that its beginning was our wedding-day.

I drew from them new motives to complacency. They fortified my perseverance in the path which I had chosen as best; they raised me higher in my own esteem; they heightened the claims of the reproachers themselves to my respect and my gratitude. They thought me slothful, incurious, destitute of knowledge and of all thirst of knowledge, insolent, and profligate.

A canary chirped up and broke into rolling song. It was all homy, innocuous. Yet he had been drugged at the same table not so long before. And now he was pledged a share of ungathered gold. It was a far cry back to his desk in the Times office. A Japanese entered, sturdy, of white-clad figure, deft, polite, incurious.

"Oh, William," Lady Drogheda bewailed, "it is all so big the incurious west, and the sea, and these rocks that were old in Noah's youth, and we are so little !" "Yes," he returned, and took her hand, because their feet were wetted now; "the trap and its small prey are not commensurate. The stage is set for a Homeric death-scene, and we two profane an over-ambitious background.