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The Greek grinned with vindictive delight as he listened to this apparently inadvertent admission on Lance's part. It revealed to him, as he thought, a new and unexpected method of inflicting annoyance upon this man whom he hated so thoroughly, and his eyes fairly sparkled with malice as he answered "What do you suppose I care about your extra trouble, you lazy skulking hound?

She may forgive the first offense as inadvertent, but "one more such victory and you are lost." Think how often clemency has succeeded where severity would have failed. What did that discreet Eastern emir, when he found his fair young wife sleeping in a garden, where she had no earthly business to be? He laid his drawn sabre softly across her neck, and retired without breaking her slumbers.

Care for my own safety led me to be as inconspicuous as possible, for members of communities banded together against the laws of the land in which they live, are extremely suspicious of one another, and an inadvertent word may cause disaster to the person speaking it.

"It was a woman a lady, then, whom he wronged?" inquired Bertha, betraying redoubled interest at this inadvertent admission. Gaston perceived that he had said too much; but, in adding nothing more, he did not extricate himself from the difficulty. His silence could only be interpreted into an affirmative. "And one whom you esteem more highly than all others?" persisted Bertha.

There remained always the shadow of reserve, of gravity, and of a certain restraint, which dated in my mind from the day of my inadvertent intrusion upon the scene between himself and Constance. Knowing John Crondall as I knew him then, it was not possible for me to think ill of him; but he perplexed me greatly at times.

When in an inadvertent moment I said that certain sects had believed in infant damnation and explained it she sat very still indeed. "They believed that God was Love and Wisdom and Power?" "Yes all of that." Her eyes grew large, her face ghastly pale. "And yet that such a God could put little new babies to burn for eternity?"

I was on my feet in an instant, regretting the pain I had given him; and yet it seemed worth while now, having made my inadvertent remark, to show him frankly what lay in my mind. Such things sometimes help men.

He can argue that the cattle kills themse'fs sort o' commits sooicide inadvertent an' if we-all trades up on him with the beef, he insists on his innocence, an' puts it up that his cuttin' in on the play after said cattle done slays themse'fs injures nobody but coyotes. "'Doc, coincides Enright, after roominatin' in silence, 'Doc, the longer I ponders, the more them theories seems sagacious.

An onlooker, not yet so proficient as to attain his ambition of admission to the play, had mounted the anvil, and from this coign of vantage beheld all the outspread landscape of the "hands." More than once his indiscreet, inadvertent betrayal of some incident of his survey of the cards menaced him with a broken head.

Like a weather-vane in an imperceptible current of air, your bow turns to right or left in apparent obedience to the mere will of your companion. And the flies drop softly like down. Then the silence becomes sacred. You whisper although there is no reason for your whispering; you move cautiously, lest your reel scrape the gunwale. An inadvertent click of the paddle is a profanation.