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Article IV. "The municipality is charged, on personal responsibility, to proportion the allotment on the richest citizens of Narbonne." Article VII. "If this order is not executed within twenty-four hours, the municipality will designate to the commandant of the post the rich egoists who may have refused to furnish their contingent, etc." Ibid., AF., II. 135.

The results of these archivistic researches are being published in the Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft. For the evidence, see Magazine of Art, April 1893. Meravig, i. 126. See Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ii. 141. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ibid. ii. 213. We now know that he died in 1510. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ii. 119. Bode: Cicerone.

For his hiring at Bologna, in 1507, a single room with one bed in it, for himself and his three workmen, see Gotti, p. 58. His father in 1500 rebuked him for the meanness of his establishment; ibid. p. 23. It appears that he was always sending money home.

What do we care for the ideas of an individual alongside of national ideas?... Who among us does not know the danger of this constant isolation? It is in the national schools that the child must suck republican milk! .... The Republic is one and indivisible. Decree of Frimaire 29, year II., section I., art. Ibid., 210. The former provided me with mattresses for the latter." Ibid., XVIII., 445.

Poulett Scrope, Life of Lord Sydenham, pp. 141-2. Richardson, Eight Years in Canada, p. 117. See an interesting letter of January, 1838 in Christie, History of Lower Canada, v. 109. Kaye, Papers and Correspondence of Lord Metcalfe, p. 453. Metcalfe undoubtedly overestimates the influence of these men, as compared with the church, over the habitant class. Ibid. p. 267.

Ibid. 12 Août, 1758. Ibid. 31 Août, 1758. The condition of Canada was indeed deplorable. The St. Lawrence was watched by British ships; the harvest was meagre; a barrel of flour cost two hundred francs; most of the cattle and many of the horses had been killed for food.

The swimming ordeal was perhaps unofficial; see Stearne, 19. Another case was that of Elizabeth Chandler, who was "duckt"; Witches of Huntingdon, 8. Tilbrooke-bushes, Stearne, 11; Risden, ibid., 31. This may be inferred from Stearne's words: "but afterward I heard that she made a very large confession," ibid., 31.

And in 1846, even after so many of our hopes had faded away, we yet spoke in the same tone of "this religious movement in our Church," as one "from which, however clouded be the present aspect, we doubt not that great blessings have resulted and will result, unless we forfeit them by neglect or wilful abuse." "Quarterly Review," vol. lxiii, p. 551. Ibid., vol. lxxviii, p. 24.

John, with whom, aided by the garrison of Beauséjour, they could easily take Fort Lawrence; that should they succeed in this, the whole Acadian population would rise in arms, and the King would lose Nova Scotia. We should anticipate them, concludes Shirley, and strike the first blow. Ibid., 24 Jan. 1755. The Record Office contains numerous other letters of Shirley on the subject.

That is the spirit of the peasants generally.... Public spirit it so perverted, so opposed to the constitutional regime, that a miracle only will bring them within the pale of freedom." Ibid., F7, 3199. At the time the concordat was under consideration the aversion to "priest rule" was very great in the army; there were secret meetings held against it.