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Using his net as if it had been a thong, Jellico had brought down the Eysie with a move the other had not foreseen. Breathing hard, sweat running down his shoulders and making tracks through the powdery red dust which streaked him, Jellico got to his feet and walked over to the I-S champion who had not moved or made a sound since his fall. The Captain went down on one knee to examine him. "Kill!

With I-S out for our blood and a Patrol warn-off it won't do us any good to head for Luna " None of his listeners could argue with that. And, Dane's spirits began to rise, after all they knew so little about the Big Burn it might afford them just the temporary sanctuary they needed.

Luckily the I-S ship was even closer to the sea than the Queen and as they crossed the slagged ground, congealed by the break fire, they were trotting. Though the Company ship was probably one of the smallest Inter-Solar carried on her rosters, it was a third again as large as the Queen with part of that third undoubtedly dedicated to extra cargo space.

There was the sharp note of a warning gong, the flash of red light on the control board. They were off automatic, from here on in it was all Kip's work. Dane strapped down at the silent com-unit and was startled a moment later when it spat words at him, translated from space code. "Identify identify I-S E-Stat calling spacer identify "

They would have broken their pledge and there could be no hope of holding to their trading rights on that world if they were not blacklisted for breaking contract into the bargain. I-S would be able to move in and clean up and probably they could never prove that the Company was behind their misfortunes though the men of the Queen would always be convinced that that fact was the truth.

The sun is hot looks like Sol from inside Venus's orbit, although I don't think it's as large as Sol." Hawarden then put through his call to the imperial palace, his position as local head of the I-S C getting him fast service.

"He must save the Company a fair amount of credits one way or another. Interesting offer " By the bland satisfaction to be read on the three faces below the I-S men were assured of their victory.

By joining with the natives in such a foray the Terrans were being admitted to kinship of a sort, cementing relations by a tie which the I-S, or any other interloper from off-world, would find hard to break. It was a piece of such excellent good fortune as they would not have dreamed of three days earlier.

Instead he pushed back a panel and they were looking into com-unit room where another man in the tunic of the I-S lounged on what was by law twenty-four hour duty, divided into three watches. "These F-Ts want to flash a voucher request through," their guide informed the tech. The other, interested, gave them a searching once-over before he pushed a small scriber toward Rip.

What was the I-S going to say to that? But the fellow did have an answer, ready and waiting. "It is true, fathers of clans, that here are two voices, where by right and custom there should only be one. But this is a matter which can be decided between us. Give us leave to withdraw from your sight and speak privately together.