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Many subjects feel that they must experience amnesia before they can benefit from hypnotic suggestions. This premise is inaccurate since favorable and lasting results can be achieved in any degree of hypnosis, depending, of course, on the nature of the problem. Let me relate several interesting occurrences that take place every so often in my own practice as a professional hypnotist.

I have had the following experience many times in giving hypnotic demonstrations before various organizations. For some reason, even though I carefully ask that only those who desire to be hypnotized volunteer as subjects for the hypnotic demonstrations, an individual who has no intention of cooperating comes up on the stage to poke fun at the hypnotist.

But dump-carts move slowly, and when the Cap'n arrived at the town house Constable Zeburee Nute was nailing up a hand-bill that announced that Professor Derolli, the celebrated hypnotist, would occupy the town hall for a week, and that he would perform the remarkable feat of burying a subject in the local graveyard for forty-eight hours, and that he would "raise this subject from the dead," alive and well.

Eva quickly became fascinated. Then she was conscious of a drowsy feeling stealing over her. She strove to rise, but her knees refused to support her and she fell back in her chair. The hypnotist now shut off the machine and, stepping before Eva, made several passes with his hands. Eva's eyes closed. The hypnotist turned and made a signal.

"Well, Roger if to see with the sight of another is hypnotism, then every man who writes a book or tells a good tale is a hypnotist; every historian who makes us see the past is a necromancer." "You read of the Thing ?" "No," she replied, after a long pause.

I suppose you've heard that we rounded up two of them." "Yes," answered Dick. "Have they any idea what became of Crabtree?" "I haven't. If the sheriff knows anything he hasn't told it. By the way, boys, I'll tell you something, now you are here. That man is a hypnotist!" "We know it," said Dick "I thought I told you." "He tried to hypnotize one of the men one day, almost got away, doing it!"

"Oh, but wasn't he a slick one for getting around the widow when he learned she was holding all that money in trust for Dora." "He's something of a hypnotist, Larry that is why Dora fears him. She is afraid he will hypnotize her mother into doing something she will be sorry for afterward." "Do you really suppose he has so much influence as that?" "He has when Mrs. Stanhope is not feeling well.

He decided to wait until this atonement had been effected. Just as a hypnotist gains control of his medium by inner composure, so he thought he could hasten the coming of this event by conceding it absolute supremacy over his mind. When Eberhard von Auffenberg left the paternal home to strike out for himself, he was as helpless as a child that has lost the hand of its adult companion in a crowd.

"Tripped coming down from the flying-machine from Paris and fell into his arms. The mischief was done in a moment!" "Yes?" "Well that's all. Things must be stopped. That is what I want to consult you about. What must be done? What can be done? Of course I'm not a hypnotist; my knowledge is limited. But you ?" "Hypnotism is not magic," said the man in green, putting both arms on the table.

Anyone who has conversed with him for more than a few moments realizes what the meaning of the word magnetism is. His entire bearing his lofty attitude of mind, his personal dignity all contribute to the inexplicable attraction that the arch hypnotist Mesmer first described as animal magnetism.