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It was a neat, plain granite obelisk, which bore this inscription: This Stone is Erected By the Affection of Sophronisba Hynds Scarlett To Commemorate the Many Virtues of The Most Perfect Gentleman in Hyndsville Her Bloodhound NIPPER "There should have been an open season for Sophronisba," Alicia said with conviction. Then she put her head down and laughed.

As I have said before, Hynds House is but two stories high, with deep cellars under it, and an immense attic overhead; an attic all cut up into nooks and corners, and twists and turns, and sloping roofs and dormer windows, and two or three shallow steps going up here, and two or three more going down there, and passages and doors where you'd never look for them.

Wherever he might have hidden them between a night and a morning, he had not hidden the Hynds jewels in the secret room of Hynds House. And she who alone could have solved the mystery and told us the truth, lay there with a lipless mouth. We gave over the futile search at last. Mr. Jelnik sat down and took his head in his hands, for the moment a prey to overwhelming disappointment.

Work'd by Ann Eliza Hynds Ag'd 9 Yrs. 2 Mos., Nov'r, 1757 that had been carefully framed and mounted as a small fire-screen, perhaps for Ann Eliza's lady mama or proud grandmother. It was such human and intimate things, the mute mementoes of children who had passed, that made us begin to love Hynds House, for all its bigness and uncanniness and dilapidation.

Dear Miss Smith, would it be too much to ask you to let me have my little talk, a very informal little lecture, in wonderful old Hynds House?" Mrs. Haile turned a sort of greenish pink.

But there the thread snapped. "Do you remember the morning you told me, The Author's guess that 'Hellen's Keye' was the Greek fret, the design over all the windows and doors of Hynds House? The trail was plain then. I was to follow the line of the Greek key for three and thirty turnings, when I should come upon a sign. I tried and tried. And to-night I reached the end of it, Sophy. I found it."

He belonged to Hynds House, so to speak, and there one might meet him upon common ground. But sometimes when I happened to glance up I would find him watching us with those reflective eyes that were so full of light and at the same time so inscrutable.

And, that Freeman thinks his Brother Guilty and a Thief: A Hynds a Thief! so that Hynds House hangs Heavy above his head. And that Emily begins to Hate Freeman, who Loves her. She thinks he hath play'd Judas. I shall have Pleasant dreams! Never shall they Find where Shooba hid the Gems, between a night and a morning.

For a fleeting, flashing second the whirlpools and the depths were bared in them. Then the veil fell, the surface lights came out and danced. "My father was an excellent teacher," he said, indifferently. "The whole object of his training was self-control. He was really a very wonderful man, my father. But he overlooked one highly important factor in my make-up, my Hynds blood." I made no reply.

For the "something that belonged to Hynds House" walked upon the air with invisible feet. "Sophy, do you remember the night we talked it over, and decided to come here, and you were afraid of the new soil's effect upon yourself?" "Of course. Why?" "Oh, because." "Because why?" "Just because. I wish to gracious you had a little saving vanity, Sophy Smith!" "And what, then, is this?"