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The child does not really want to know, but it does want to keep up a friendly conversation, or, if humourously inclined, to see how long you can go on without getting annoyed. Not always, of course; sometimes it really is interested; but in most cases, I suspect, the question, "What makes thunder?" is inspired by politeness or mischief.

To an Englishman the remembrance of a journey in Italy is however often more delightful than that of any other country, for no where else is his arrogance more patiently endured, his eccentricities more humourously indulged, nor the generosity of his character more publicly acknowledged. In coming from Italy into France, Mr.

With the laughing but insidious pretence that he was now almost too grave and staid a personage for such scenes, he conversed with few others, and humourously maintaining that his 'dancing days were over, danced with none but her.

If we take the crudest joke in the world the joke, let us say, of a man sitting down on his hat we shall yet find that all the nations would differ in their way of treating it humourously, and that if American humour treated it at all, it would be in a purely American manner.

"Hermy had to write that herself, poor dear, because my scrawl's too hideous but I dictated it. No, the day isn't fixed that's why I sent for you." There was a splendid directness about Mrs. Newell. It would never have occurred to her to pretend to Garnett that she had summoned him for the pleasure of his company. "You've sent for me to fix the day?" he enquired humourously.

His illustrations to Macklin's Shakespeare come nearer to our subject proper, and here we have the whole Falstaff episode very fully and very humourously illustrated; while Launce and his dog, whom he "would have to behave as a dog at all things," may be compared in our artist's treatment of canine life with his "Black George," the Suffolk gamekeeper.

In other words, we must cast our bread on the waters in large loaves, carried by sound ships marked with the owner's name, so that the return freight will be sure to come back to us." The father laughed, but his eyes were frowning a little as if he suspected something irreverent under the respectful reply. "You put it humourously, but there's sense in what you say. Why not?

Indeed, the worthy gentleman, stimulated perhaps by the immediate prospect of being on active service, was in great spirits and good humour; in proof whereof, it may be here remarked, that he humourously drank all the beer at a draught, and did not utter, on a rough calculation, more than four-score oaths during the whole progress of the meal.

He turned from the window, and the light of the tapers falling on his face, showed it heavily scored with lines of pain, testifying to the ugly memories which the Deputy's light words had evoked. Then suddenly he laughed, half-bitterly, half humourously. "La, la!" said he. "The thing's past.

Ah, I have warned you and for your own good, too! You cannot enter here!" "But I must come in," he replied; "and it is for my own good, too, as well as yours and Miss Catherwood's." She looked at him with searching inquiry. "Don't you see that I am freezing on your doorstep?" he said humourously.