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There are various classes of "mediums," the operations of each class being confined to a particular department of "spiritual" humbuggery. Some call themselves "test mediums;" and, by insisting upon certain formulas, they succeed in astonishing, if they don't convince most of them who visit them. It is by this class that the public is most likely to be deceived.

He was introduced into associative life in "Transcendental days," and many a tale he told of the departed ones, often alluding to them as "extinct volcanoes of Transcendental nonsense and humbuggery." Like many of his countrymen, he carried things to extremes.

Let's be just to this girl. There are points in her favor." Serviss protested. "Not another word. It's too painful." Britt persisted. "I was merely going to say that I think there is some basis for all this humbuggery. These mediums don't start from nothing. They nearly all begin with some abnormality.

Mr Ross let him look at it, and saw him handling it with much apparent reverence, but he also saw him quickly and deftly change it for another bullet. "That's your game, is it?" said Mr Ross but not out loud. After a little more humbuggery the bullet was handed back to be dropped into the muzzle of the gun.

It is in communities like this that Jesuit humbuggery flourishes. We visited a Jesuit cathedral nearly two hundred years old and found in it a piece of the veritable cross upon which our Saviour was crucified. It was polished and hard, and in as excellent a state of preservation as if the dread tragedy on Calvary had occurred yesterday instead of eighteen centuries ago.

This speech seemed to arouse all the bad passions slumbering in Clameran's bosom; and his pale face had a fiendish expression as he fiercely replied: "We had better end this humbuggery, and come to a clear understanding at once. Before you begin to talk about crime, think over your past life.

But I was too ingenious. I mixed it up rather too much; and so all that description of the attitude, as a key to the humbuggery of the article, was entirely lost, for nobody but me ever discovered and comprehended the peculiar and suggestive position of the petrified man's hands.

"Of all your speculations from the negro centenarian, who didn't nurse General Washington, down to the Bearded Woman of Genoa there was not one which required the exercise of so much humbuggery as the Jenny Lind concerts; and I verily believe there is no man living, other than yourself, who could, or would, have risked the enormous expenditure of money necessary to carry them through successfully travelling, with sixty artists; four thousand miles, and giving ninety-three concerts, at an actual cost of forty-five hundred dollars each, is what no other man would have undertaken you accomplished this, and pocketed by the operation but little less than two hundred thousand dollars!

They will make you doubt your own individual existence, if that be possible. I am older than you; I am a sample of the efficacy of such systems. Oh, the so-called philosophers of this century and the last are crowned heads of humbuggery! Adepts in the famous art of" "'Wrapping nonsense round, With pomp and darkness, till it seems profound."

The woman knows but little of her visitors, and has no means of learning anything about them. Sometimes her statements are found to be true; but it is by the merest accident. The clairvoyants do not hesitate to confess to their friends, in a confidential way, of course, that their pretensions are mere humbuggery, and they laugh at the credulity of their victims, whilst they encourage it.