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It's when some outfit of mountebanks is givin' a show called 'Uncle Tom's Cabin, over to Huggins' Bird Cage Op'ry House, an' these yere saddenin' canines big, lop-y'eared hound-dogs, they be works in the piece. "'Do you-all hear them hound-clogs a-mournin' an' a-bayin' last evenin'? asked Boggs of Enright. "'Shore! I hears 'em, says Enright.

'You're like a hound-dog when you laugh like to that, she said, 'and I dunna like the hound-dogs. He stopped laughing. Abel's harp beat upon them, and the soft thudding of feet on the turf, like sheep stamping, had grown in volume as the shyest were gradually drawn into the revelry. A rainstorm, shaped like a pillar, walked slowly along the valley, skirting the base of the hills.

A foxhound rose from the moth-eaten leopard-skin by the hearth as they came in. Hazel stiffened. 'I canna-d-abear the hound-dogs, she said. 'Nasty snabbing things. 'Best dogs going. 'No, they kills the poor foxes. 'Vermin. Hazel's face became tense. She clenched her hands and advanced a determined chin. 'Keep yer tongue off our Foxy, or I unna stay! she said. 'Who's Foxy?

Yet, as Hazel suddenly became aware of it, a cold shudder ran down her spine. 'Hound-dogs! she said. She peered through the trees, but nothing was to be seen, for the woods were steep. With a dart of terror she remembered that she had left Foxy loose in the parlour. Would they have let her out? She ran home. 'Be Foxy here? she asked. Edward looked up from the chapel accounts.

The shelves back of the counters displayed what things they held essentials: rough crockery, coarse calicoes, canned goods, barrels of brown sugar, brogans, stick candy and ammunition. About a small stove loafed some eight or ten men and several "hound-dogs."

Still, signs an' omens in what Doc Peets would term their 'occultisms, I passes up. I wouldn't live in them apprehensions that beleaguers Boggs for a full herd of three-year-olds. "Which I'll never forget them eloocidations beright onfolds on Boggs one evenin' about the mournin' an' the howlin' of some hound-dogs that's been sendin' thrills through Boggs.

"Call off yer hound-dogs, Rufe," he cried irritably, "or I'll gin 'em a bullet ter swallow." "Ye air a plumb fool about that thar bar, Pete," Kinnicutt said sourly, calling off the hounds nevertheless. "That thar bar?" exclaimed Swofford. "Why, thar never war sech a bar!

Jerry Black came one Saturday night about that time to the wretched cabin where he and his wife, a brood of half-clothed children, two hound-dogs, three cats, and a pig dwelt together and beat his wife. For years Jerry had been accustomed to doing precisely the same thing, not with such monotonous regularity as would have seemed to him excessive, but with periodical moderation.

At the wood-pile on the shore you may generally see one of the people called "Pikes," whom you will recognize by a very broad-brimmed hat, a frequent squirting of tobacco-juice, and the possession of two or three hounds, whom they call hereabouts "hound-dogs," as we say "bull-dog."

Eighty feet in length, rising two stories and a half from masonry walls to tree-trunked roof, flung across with a flying gallery from the rail of which hung skins of wild animals, hand-woven blankets of Oaxaca and Ecuador, and tapas, woman-pounded and vegetable-dyed, from the islands of the South Pacific, Graham knew it for what it was a feast-hall of some medieval castle; and almost he felt a poignant sense of lack of the long spread table, with pewter below the salt and silver above the salt, and with huge hound-dogs scuffling beneath for bones.