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Horsley, the lay preacher's wife, through the door of the Mission Room, in which, with the others, they were both working at the decorations, to view the sky. "Look at it, my dear!" she cried enthusiastically. "Was there ever a better omen for the poor dear? Not a cloud anywhere. Not one. And it's deep blue, too; none of your steel blues, or one of them fady blues running to white.

After the battle was over, John T. Tucker, Scott Stephens, A. S. Horsley and I were detailed to bring off our wounded that night, and we helped to bring off many a poor dying comrade Joe Thompson, Billy Bond, Byron Richardson, the two Allen boys brothers, killed side by side and Colonel Patterson, who was killed standing right by my side.

These latter, of course, differed essentially from the Arians of the earlier part of the century. Neither can they be properly termed Socinians, for Socinus, as Horsley justly remarks, 'though he denied the original divinity of Our Lord, was nevertheless a worshipper of Christ, and a strenuous asserter of his right to worship.

I laughed until my sides ached; little thinking how the Horsley Hill would pay us off for our mistimed hilarity. Towards night, most of the steerage passengers returned, greatly dissatisfied with their first visit to the city, which they declared to be a filthy hole, that looked a great deal better from the ship's side than it did on shore. This, I have often been told, is literally the case.

Lean Wilkes, the baker, was watching the trust schemer with baleful eye, and now his slow tongue evolved a pretty retort. "No one sed you was nor thought it likely." "The duff puncher wakin' up," sneered Smallbones, angrily. "Guess it's your voice hurtin' my ear drums," replied Jake, ponderously. At that moment Abe Horsley joined the group. He called for drinks before adding his bit to the talk.

Priestley. One of the most important and interesting parts of Horsley's letters was that in which he discussed the old objection raised by Priestley that the Christian doctrine of the Trinity was borrowed from Plato. There is, and Horsley does not deny it, a certain resemblance between the Platonic and the Christian theories.

"And ye think he's of the light-fingered gentry?" "As for that," said the captain, "I know nothing about him. But he came to your factor and wanted to take the first ship that cleared, and seemed in such a mortal pother that Mr. Horsley suspicioned something, and gave me a slant to look out for him. And all the time we lay off Bristol, my fine fellow kept himself well out of sight."

"My dear Horsley, I have just received orders from the general that a field-officer is to go in command of the squadron. As senior major, you have, of course, the right to the chance. I congratulate you." Mrs.

"He asked me who I'd been sitting to, same as you do; and I told him I'd been sitting to Mr. Cope, sir." "Well, what else?" "He asked me who I'd been sitting to before that, and I said Mr. Horsley." "And what next?" "He asked me who I'd been sitting to before that, and I said I'd been sitting to you, sir." "What did he say then?" "He said, 'What a d d crew!"

Nor do I understand how any person can reprobate agitation, merely as agitation, unless he is prepared to adopt the maxim of Bishop Horsley, that the people have nothing to do with the laws but to obey them. The truth is that agitation is inseparable from popular government.