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But for Ale that is not to be kept very long, they Hop it accordingly, and beat the Yeast in every four or five Hours for two Days successively in the warm weather, and four in the Winter till the Yeast begins to work heavy and sticks to the hollow part of the Bowl, if turned down on the same, then they take all the Yeast off at Top and leave all the Dregs behind, putting only up the clear Drink, and when it is a little work'd in the Barrel, it will be fine in a few Days and ready for drinking.

"And I want to tell you you haven't anything on me when it came to seeing things. I guess that is what all the novel-writers do hit the hop so as to throw their imagination into the high gear." But Ed Morrell, who had travelled the same road as I, although with different results, believed my tale.

I should like to hop up in the chairs now and then, by way of variety, but I don't dare, or up on the window seats, to see what's going on in the street; but she won't let me.

I don't believe mortal man, unless it was a Philadelphia nigger, could make such a bow. It was enough to sprain his ankle he curled so low. And then off he went with a hop, skip, and a jump, sailor fashion, back to meet his people. "Now, Squire, if you see Lord Stanley, tell him that story of the Prince de Joinville's horse; but before you get so far as that, pin him by admissions.

She half said, half sang it to an improvised tune: 'Said the Duck to the Kangaroo, "Good gracious! how you hop! Over the fields and water too, As if you never would stop!" She caught her husband looking at her in a fascinated, puzzled way, and paused and gave him her funny little smile. 'That's a very pretty song, he said. 'But I can't make out what it means.

Come on, John; let's hop in the Bubble and dash back to the Hotel Astor; the girls will be waiting for us." We hurried to the spot where Flash Harvey was to leave the gas-hopper but there was no sign of Flash or the machine.

"But I hop on one foot, too," said little Prudy, "and you don't laugh at me." "This is a droll little head for fancies," said Mrs. Parlin, patting Prudy's curls, and looking at grandma Read. "Do you know, mother, that for several days she has made believe she was lame Jessie, and has hobbled about whenever she could think of it."

The most striking peculiarity of Farnham, as seen from the cliff behind the "Jolly Farmer," is the abundance of hop gardens. As far as the eye can reach, in all directions, little else appears to be cultivated. At the time I visited it, the appearance was very singular.

While he stood back close to the cliff a revolver shot rang out. He saw Jim raise his head above the rock and take a quick look in the direction it came from, and then all was still. It so happened that Hop had got there just in time to hear the shot that ended the career of the fourth outlaw.

Ray, who was a cadet sergeant "out on furlough" and kept back, but such a beautiful dancer, and there was the first captain, such a witty, brilliant fellow, who only danced square dances, and several cadet corporals, all hop managers, in their red sashes. Why, she was just the proudest girl in the room!