United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Don't be too sure," cautioned the other, "it is not all cleared up yet." "But I feel sure," she insisted. "Brentano was too clever to do anything half way." "He certainly was a star," Jack admitted. "But I hope he will not insist upon keeping up the correspondence with Cora. He might give us the hoo-doo." They were soon at their dock.

"Jonas, you want to see the great Navajo charm, made by Navajo god when he made these waterholes?" Jonas pricked up his ears. "Is it a good charm or a hoo-doo?" "If you come at it right, it means you never die," Na-che nodded her head solemnly. Jonas put a cat's claw root on the fire. "All right! You see, woman, that I come at it right." Na-che smiled and led the way eastward.

In a few moments a whole crowd of solitary horsemen swooped down upon him. There was a fierce shout of 'Allah! a rattle of firearms. De Vaux sank from his hoo-doo on to the sands, while the affrighted elephant dashed off in all directions. The bullet had struck him in the heart." There now, what do you think of that? Isn't De Vaux killed now? Answer. I am sorry. De Vaux is not dead.

In Mecca, their holy city, stood a little square building, the Kaaba, full of idols and strange odds and ends of Hoo-doo worship. Mohammed decided to be the Moses of the Arab people. He could not well be a prophet and a camel-driver at the same time. So he made himself independent by marrying his employer, the rich widow Chadija.

The blood on these here New York buildings sure oughta hoo-doo 'em. There, you Still Jim, you get a drink o' water. You look white. The iron workers quit fer the day. They always does when a man gits killed." That evening Jim did an errand to the tobacco shop for Mr. Dennis. On his return to the library with the cigars, Dennis looked at the boy affectionately. Jim interested him.

De Vaux is all right. His name is on the title page, and you can't kill him. Question. Listen to this, then: "The sun of Ethiopia beat fiercely upon the desert as De Vaux, mounted upon his faithful elephant, pursued his lonely way. Seated in his lofty hoo-doo, his eye scoured the waste. Suddenly a solitary horseman appeared on the horizon, then another, and another, and then six.

It came from Mammy Judy, Sally's old nurse. It's part of their regular Hoo-doo. She bewitched Miss Sally when she was a baby, so that everybody is bound to HER as long as they care for her, and she isn't bound to THEM in any way. All their luck goes to her as soon as the spell is on them," she added darkly. "I think I know the rest," returned Courtland with still greater solemnity.