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Our own Whittier has done and is doing the same thing, in a far holier spirit than Burns, for the inherited beliefs of New England and the country to which New England belongs. Let me sweeten these closing paragraphs of an essay not meaning to hold a word of bitterness with a passage or two from the lay-preacher who is listened to by a larger congregation than any man who speaks from the pulpit.

There are positions in the world for which woman was not made. The finishing touches of creation's wondrous works were too delicate to fit her for the political arena, the command of armies, or the founding of empires. She was made for higher and holier ends than these. She is adapted to a work more noble and more enduring. Her empire is in the heart, and her scepter one of spiritual dominion.

He took her hand and said, with a manly sincerity that made his face almost as noble as hers was beautiful: "Miss Martell, you are holier than I am. You are as much above me as heaven is above the earth.

As for me I am no longer what I was, and have lost the gift of joyous verse. How could it be other-wise when I am witness of such cruelties?" It were difficult to describe with more pious, graceful, and melancholy feeling a holier and a simpler life. After so many firm and glorious acts of authority abroad, Pepin of Heristal at his death, December 16, 714, did a deed of weakness at home.

Had it not been for the unfailing kindness and help of a gentleman who many times proposed to Miss Bosanquet in vain, she would have come out of the affair penniless. Friends greatly urged this marriage upon her. Her rule in these cases was to ask herself, "Should I be holier or happier with this man?"

And as gratitude assumes the supremacy, the feeling becomes sweeter and holier. It assumes a religious nature. It is baptized at the fountain of religion. And instead of glooming life, it because it is the power of love. "God is love." It is simple as the story of love in the human heart. "The wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein." All can easily learn how to love God.

"Love is scarcely the word, nor adoration, nor worship! She is the soul of my soul! She lives in my life, and my life is the larger, higher, holier for her!" "Humph! I don't understand one word of what you are talking about, but I suppose it means that you really do love Salome. So the first condition will be fulfilled," said the banker, with a smile. "And the second, sir. What is the second?"

Thus saying Carl strode across the floor to his own chamber where he again seated himself upon his chair and resumed his former occupation; but he did not profane them with his nostrils, for now he regarded them in a holier light. They were Magde's gift. While he was thus happily engaged, a messenger arrived at the cottage to disturb him.

I. A suitable place should be selected. Our Lord wishes us to pray always; St. The most suitable place is the church. The Apostles, going to the temple to pray at the sixth and at the ninth hour, show us how suitable is the place holier than the temple the church. The practice of the saints impresses on us the suitability of the church for the Church's official prayer.

Paul applies also to me; and the Second Commandment is given as much on my account as on his account, so that he can boast of no better or holier commandment. Therefore you should say: My prayer is as precious, holy, and pleasing to God as that of St. Paul or of the most holy saints.