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I declare that your servant Norris came to me, directly commissioned for that purpose by yourself, and informed me from you, and upon your authority, that if I would solicit the Prince of Parma to send a secret agent to England, a peace would be at once negotiated. Your servant entreated me to go to his Highness at Brussels. I refused, but agreed to consider the proposition.

"Her Majesty finds herself so touched in honour upon this point, that if it be not conceded as I doubt not it will be, seeing the singular forwardness of your Highness" said the artful Doctor with a smile, "we are no less than commanded to return to her Majesty's presence." "I sent Richardot to you yesterday," said Alexander; "did he not content you?" "Your Highness, no," replied Ropers.

Annunciata was asleep, and beyond, Hilda was playing dreamily, and very softly, as behooves one whose bedtime is long past. When the Countess dropped the curtain, she turned abruptly to Hedwig. "Friends, Highness? One may have friends, of course. It is not friendship they fear." "What then?" "A lover," said the Countess softly.

Intense gravity marked the features of the groom, who stood, hat in hand, tapping the side of his top-boot with a silver-mounted riding-whip. Haco smiled grimly: "Ye was to wait an answer, was ye?" "If I may venture to make so bowld as to say so in the presence of your highness, I was." "Then wait," said Haco, smiling a little less grimly.

James's we attended the Duke all of us. And there, after my discourse, Mr. Coventry of his own accord begun to tell the Duke how he found that discourse abroad did run to his prejudice about the fees that he took, and how he sold places and other things; wherein he desired to appeal to his Highness, whether he did any thing more than what his predecessors did, and appealed to us all.

And being well accompanied with divers resolute and forward gentlemen, her majesty then lying at the Right Honorable the Lord of Warwick's house, in Essex, he came to take his leave; and kissing her highness' hands, with gracious countenance and comfortable words departed toward his charge.

It was done in the presence of many witnesses, and your words, or some of them, were, doubtless, overheard by those at nearby tables. The Capital will be full of the affair; and the results may be most unfortunate for you, and for His Highness.

Let us therefore choose a more favorable hour. Besides, your highness, you must betake yourself to the grand reception-hall, where the whole court is already assembled, and now only awaits the king to go in formal procession for the young queen, and conduct her to the balcony. Let us go, then." Gardiner nodded in silence, and betook himself to the reception-hall.

Instead of vagabonds, your escort would have been made up of loyal soldiers, well-fed, well-clad, and well satisfied with themselves, at least." "But no braver, no truer than my soldiers of fortune," she said earnestly. "By the way, are you informed as to the state of affairs in Dawsbergen?" "Scarcely as well as your highness must be," he replied.

To be sure the Herr Rojanow of Rodeck, who ordered every one around, even the prince himself, and the orderly whom Lieutenant Walldorf ordered to come forward because he didn't speak loud enough, were as far apart as heaven and earth. If it had not been for the voice! "Then your highness, you think " Stadinger began again. "I think you're an old ghost-hunter," said Egon gently.