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When the secretary presented the agreement, and the hetman put his hand to it, Taras drew a genuine Damascene blade, a costly Turkish sabre of the finest steel, broke it in twain like a reed, and threw the two pieces far away on each side, saying, "Farewell!

I had scarcely finished one of these beautiful iced fruits, when M. Le Mesge rose. "Gentlemen, if you are ready," he said to Morhange and me. "Get away from that old dotard as soon as you can," whispered the Hetman of Jitomir to me. "The party of Trente et Quarante will begin soon. You shall see. You shall see. We go it even harder than at Cora Pearl's."

By command of the prince regent he painted the allied sovereigns, their statesmen, princes, and generals all the leading personages, in fact, in alliance against Napoleon. His pictures in the exhibition of 1815 were Mrs. Wolfe, the Prince Regent, Metternich, the Duke of Wellington, Blucher, the Hetman Platoff, and Mr. Hart Davis.

But Kukubenko had already left him, and was forcing his way, with his Nezamaikovsky kuren, towards another group. "He has left untouched rich plunder," said Borodaty, hetman of the Oumansky kuren, leaving his men and going to the place where the nobleman killed by Kukubenko lay. "I have killed seven nobles with my own hand, but such spoil I never beheld on any one."

"Good Jemeljan, go home and sleep out your love that pretty woman is the Czarina!" The hetman became pale for a moment, his breath stopped; but the next instant, with sparkling eyes, he said to Jelagin: "In spite of this, what I have said I have said." Jelagin showed the door to his guest.

The incident is the subject of a bilina, a form of historical poem, in which Yermak says: "I am the robber Hetman of the Don. And now oh orthodox Tsar, I bring you my traitorous head, And with it I bring the Empire of Siberia!

It seems, when the farce is done, and he locked in Fleet prison and nobody left but Buonaparte and Lord Wellington and the Hetman Platoff to make a work about the world will be in a comparison quite tranquil. But this is beside the mark, he added, with an effort, turning again from the window. 'We are now under fire, Mr.

Their smooth bistre skins gleamed beneath veils shot with silver. I was sorry not to see the red silk tunic of Tanit-Zerga. Again, I thought of Morhange, but only for an instant. "The chips, Koukou," demanded the Hetman, "We are not here to amuse ourselves." The Zwinglian cook placed a box of many-colored chips in front of him.

Freedom and independence were their first necessity. Their Hetman, or chief, held office for one year only, and anyone might attain to that position. Their horsemanship was unrivaled they were fearless and enduring, and stood ready to sell their services to the Khan of Tatary, the King of Poland, or to the Tsar of Russia.

When it was announced to the Emperor one day that they desired to appoint him their hetman, the Emperor was much amused by this offer, and said jestingly that he was ready to indorse this choice of a free people. The King of Naples had something theatrical in his appearance which fascinated these barbarians, for he always dressed magnificently.