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But Sepp, having had his gossip like a true South German hunter-man, finally did ask the important question: "Ach! supper! du lieber Himmel!" There was little enough of that for the Herrschaften. There was black bread and milk, and there were some Semmel, but those were very old and hard. "No cheese?" "Nein!" "No butter?" "Nein!" "Coffee?" "Yes, but no sugar." "Herr Je!"

The hills, bright in the sun and velvet in shadow, made a natural amphitheatre beyond, a little church with its pretty tower looked picturesquely down from a neighboring height, and the whole place was gay with flags and branches, glittering uniforms and gorgeous liveries. We were to see the hohe Herrschaften come in at the farthest entrance and drive around directly before our seats.

The first word which recalled his wandering attention was "Chamois?" and he saw that Monsieur Bordier was pointing to the game bag and looking amiably at Sepp, who, divided between sulkiness at Monsieur's native language and goodwill toward anyone who seemed to be accepted by his "Herrschaften," was in two minds whether to open the bag and show the game to this smiling Frenchman, or "to say him a Grobheit" and go away.

The citizen guard, a stately body of burghers, rides out with the king on this day of all the year, and comes caracoling by in fine style, he in the midst bowing and smiling. And now, after the Herrschaften hohe and höchste come the animals.

"Oh no," she said, looking up at me with a face meant to be full of the most reassuring promises of devotion, "the gracious lady may be quite certain that if I am still here she will have on her most beautiful ball dress and finest linen, and that the whole neighbourhood shall see for themselves how well Herrschaften know what is due to them."

'Nehmen die Herrschaften teil an unserer Unterhaltung? he said, with a vigorous suavity, his voice curling up in the question. The four English people smiled, lounging with an attentive uneasiness in the middle of the room. Gerald, who was spokesman, said that they would willingly take part in the entertainment.

She heard the Herrschaften saying so at supper. She thought they said it was an Austrian, but whatever prince it was it was Majestatsbeleidigung to get killing him, and she marvelled how any one had dared. Then Frau Berg herself came to tell me. By this time I was in bed, pig-tailed, and ready to go to sleep. She was tremendously excited, and I felt a cold shiver down my back watching her.

She had never objected to going, had never put into words the powerful if vague dislike with which it filled her when Sunday after Sunday she had to go and dangle her legs helplessly for two hours from the chair she was put on in the enclosed pew reserved for the hohe gräfliche Herrschaften from the Slosh.

So the Herrschaften did not please themselves at all, but splashed along through rain and sleet, through hospitable villages all painted over with scrollwork about beer, and coffee, and sugar-bakery, and all that "Restoration" which our poor drenched bodies and souls were lacking so woefully.

Von Stinnes glared through his monocle and answered in German, "What is the matter with you? Are you crazy? I am Baron von Stinnes. My friend is a member of the American Commission." Dorn extracted a bit of stamped paper his special credentials from the German Foreign Office. The soldier glanced at it without troubling to read.... "Sehr gut, mein Herrschaften," he mumbled.