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Back come the Popes from Avignon, and streets grow wider and houses cleaner and men richer all for the Bourbon's Spaniards to sack, and burn, and destroy before the last city grows up, and the rounded domes raise their helmet-like heads out of the chaos, and the broad Piazza del Popolo is cleared, and old Saint Peter's goes down in dust to make way for the Cathedral of all Christendom as it stands.

Her hair is arranged in a formidable helmet-like coiffure all Japanese matrons with their hair done properly bear a remote resemblance to Pallas Athene and Britannia.

He was full of enthusiasm for the land of soft voices and smiling faces, where countless little shops spread their wares under the light of the evening lanterns, where the twang of the samisen and the geisha's song are heard coming from the lighted tea-house, and the shadow of her helmet-like coiffure is seen appearing and disappearing in silhouette against the paper shoji.

This was tied at the back with a huge bow, which seemed perched upon its wearer like a gigantic butterfly alighting on a cornflower. Her straight black hair was parted on one side in "foreign" style. But her mother wore the helmet-like marumagé, the edifice of conservative taste in married women, which looks more like a wig than like natural hair.

She had become completely Japanese from her black helmet-like coiffure to the little white feet which shuffled over the dusty carpet. There was no hand-shaking. The two women sat down stiffly on chairs against the wall remote from Geoffrey, like two swallows perched uneasily on an unsteady wire. Asako held a fan. There was complete silence. "I wish to see my wife alone," said Geoffrey.

The distance each way was barely three miles, but the old bay's pace was slow, and even with firm snow under the runners we were nearly an hour on the way. Ethan Frome drove in silence, the reins loosely held in his left hand, his brown seamed profile, under the helmet-like peak of the cap, relieved against the banks of snow like the bronze image of a hero.

The large beak the tip of it resembling that which they had already seen sticking out of the hole, and which was once more visible and in motion surmounted by an immense helmet-like protuberance, rising upon the crown, and running several inches along the top of the upper mandible, which might have been taken for a second beak this singular appendage could belong to no other bird than the hornbill.

No trace of a carapace! no trace of the paired eyes! no trace of masticating organs near the mouth which is overarched by a helmet-like hood! Nauplius of a Prawn, magnified 45 diam. Young Zoea of the same Prawn, magnified 45 diam. Older Zoea of the same Prawn, magnified 45 diam.

The long beard is white, and round the neck and back of the head is a broad band of white. The upper surface of the body and the two central feathers of the tail are bronzed green, the others being of a warm reddish bronze. Its length is a little over five inches. The female is chiefly brown, and possesses no beard or helmet-like plume; it is also considerably smaller.

Cicely seated herself on the end of a sofa, crossed her feet, and took out a cigarette. But to Marsworth's intense relief she had taken off the helmet-like erection she called a hat, and her black curly hair strayed as it pleased about her brow and eyes. 'Well? she said, at last, looking at him coolly. Marsworth could not help laughing.