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With sudden inspiration, for he saw she was trying to make it easy for him, he drew the great silver-watch from his pocket, which the head of the Barbilles had worn for generations, and said: "I have the only heirloom I could carry about with me. It will keep time for me as long as I'll last. The Manor clock strikes the time for the world, and this watch is set by the Manor clock."

But besides emotion, and stronger than emotion, was the anger that August roused in him: he hated and despised himself for the barter of the heirloom of his race, and every word of the child stung him with a stinging sense of shame. And he spoke in his wrath rather than in his sorrow. "You are a little fool," he said, harshly, as they had never heard him speak. "You rave like a play-actor.

They are last mentioned, and, as far as I know, only mentioned as an heirloom in the will of the great-grandfather of the present baronet, if these be the diamonds then named by him. As such, he could not have devised them to the present claimant, as he died in 1820, and the present claimant is not yet two years old. Whether the widow could claim them as paraphernalia is more doubtful.

Toft had greatly desired to repair the glass front of the little case or cabinet on the mantelshelf, but Elizabeth had not dared to sanction interference with an heirloom. That was quite right, said Widow Thrale. What would mother have said if any harm had been done to her model? Besides, it did not matter!

He tried to see the face of the silver watch he carried, an heirloom from his mother, but it was too dark, and he had to give it up. Then he attempted to call out, but his voice was so feeble no one standing fifty yards off would have heard it. And Ralph was miles and miles away, hopelessly lost in his hunt after his missing brother.

We must get Cap'n Bangs to tell us more about 'em in the mornin'. He thinks that that heirloom house of mine will look better in the daylight. Well, I hope he's right; it looked hopeless enough tonight, what I could see of it." "I like that Captain Bangs," observed Emily. "So do I. It seems as if we'd known him for ever so long. And how his salt-water talk does take me back.

High up they are, at the head of a stair-case, where undergraduates still cherish his name, and where his portrait an heirloom from one generation to another may be seen surrounded by prints of gentlemen in pink riding to hounds; quite a suitable collocation for this very humanly minded scholar. Besides his own work he lectured publicly for a few months.

The pilgrimage over, this book with its one thousand seal impressions becomes an heirloom in the family of the pilgrim. I too must make divers pilgrimages, for all about the city, beyond the waters or beyond the hills, lie holy places immemorially old.

Northey was entitled to wear jewels to the value of £3000, saying that value made no difference; but seems to have limited the nature of her possession in the jewels by declaring her to be entitled to wear them only when full-dressed. It is, I think, clear that the Eustace estate cannot claim the jewels as an heirloom.

She wanted to give the dish to him then and there; but she knew that this would provide annoying gossip for many a day, and besides, she thought he would refuse. More than that, she had in her mind another alternative which might in the end secure the heirloom to him, in spite of all. As she passed him, she said: "At least we keep it in the parish. If you don't have it, well, then..."