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Soames went again to the surprisingly ordinary cottage that Gail occupied with the four children. "I've had quite a day," said Gail tiredly. "And I'm worried; for the children. For you. For myself. I'm I'm terrified, Brad!" He put out his hands. He steadied her. Then, without intending it, he held her close. She did not resist. She cried heart-brokenly on his shoulder from pure nervous strain.

His little Deleah, to have gone on such an errand for him! He would have liked never to meet again those pretty trusting eyes of hers that had been full of pride in and love for him. When he had first come home she had cried heart-brokenly against him, had hung with her arms about his neck, sobbing out that she knew she knew she knew he had done nothing wrong.

On the bed, sobbing heart-brokenly, lay Selina, crushed by the hideous injustice of being condemned capitally merely for tearing off a bit of leather which the shoemaker had neglected to make secure. "Selina," said Margaret. The maid turned her big, homely, swollen face on the pillow, ceased sobbing, gasped in astonishment.

Her face was turned quite away which was a pity, for if Arkwright could have seen the sudden tender mischief in her eyes, his own would not have become so somber. "Not even a little bit?" "I couldn't ever begin," answered a half-smothered voice. "Alice!" cried the man, heart-brokenly.

Mary V went out to look at it, but it seemed too terrible to think of how high Johnny's hopes had been, how he had worshiped that thing and what it had done to him. She went to her ledge on the bluff, and sat there and cried heart-brokenly. There it stood, reared up on its silly little wheels, with its broken propeller still pointing straight up at the sky.

Ric didn't leave that little party very early, I'm sure, but I can't sleep. I'll get down my Sismondi and read awhile. I wonder if that child is feeling badly now. I half believe she is but here's my book." Yes, Mae was feeling badly, heart-brokenly, all alone in her room. After a long, harrowing talk with Mrs.

Then the little cripple got up trembling and hobbled through his rickety gate and threw himself down upon the earth before the King's white horse, sobbing hopelessly and heart-brokenly. "Oh King!" he cried. "I am only a cripple, and small, and I can easily be killed. I have no flowers at all.

Disturbed by the noise, or possibly by unpleasant dreams of her baptism, the child who had been christened began to cry heart-brokenly in the room overhead.

"May Carey."... "Pesin', sair." "Rose Cooper."... "Yes, sir." "Janet Wild."... "Y-y-yes, s-sir." "Mary Wild."... A solemn hush fell upon the school, and presently Janet Wild threw her arms out on the desk before her, let her face fall on them, and sobbed heart-brokenly.

Lang could not get out another word for the pain at her heart and the lump in her throat, and taking Charlie in her arms she sat with bowed head looking down at him. "Would it be better for him," she thought heart-brokenly, "would not that home be better than this the only one she could give him and what was to become of him if he lost her?" But she forced the thought away.