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Into this she turned hastily and was lost to view among the trees and hazel-brush. He had recognized her, or rather he had divined who she was. He quickened his pace, bent upon overtaking her. Then, with the thrill of the hunter, he abruptly whirled and retraced his steps.

Their bodies appeared to have doubled in length and halved in bulk. Their pudgy noses had become beaks. I was reminded of certain wild, low-bred pigs which I had seen splitting the hazel-brush of the West, the kind that Bill Nye once pictured as outrunning the fast mail. I said I feared our kitchen by-product was not rich enough for Hans and Gretel. Possibly that was true.

But as I tramped, thinking of the people in the hills, I came quite unexpectedly upon a sandy by-road that came out through a thicket of scrub oaks and hazel-brush, like some shy countryman, to join the turn-pike. As I stood looking into it for it seemed peculiarly inviting I saw at the entrance a familiar group of rural-mail boxes.

When at last he got across the stream, he found himself in the midst of a hazel thicket higher than his head. He hallooed to Katy, and she was sure this time that it was his last drowning cry. Working his way out of the hazel-brush, he came to a halt against a fence and waited for lightning.

It was between the corner of the house and the hazel-brush thicket, as if some one were making for the timber." "Did you follow it?" "N no, I could hardly say I saw anything; but thinking about it afterwards, I am sure somebody was getting out of sight." "I see." My father looked straight at me. I knew his mind, and I blushed and pulled at the tassel of the window cord. "Be careful.

How he ever got the almost helpless girl over into that hazel-brush thicket he never exactly knew, but as they approached the house, guided by a candle set in the window, she grew more and more feeble, until Albert was obliged to carry her in and lay her down in a swoon of utter exhaustion.

The ledge could only be reached by a circuitous route three miles away. He knew, too, that if he could only reach a point of outcrop a hundred yards away he could easily descend to the stage road, down the gentle slope of the mountain hidden in a growth of hazel-brush. He bound up his wounded leg, and dragged himself on his hands and knees laboriously to the outcrop.

Sometimes he thought he saw a house ahead, and endeavored to quicken the pace of the old horse, but the house always transformed itself to a clump of hazel-brush as he drew nearer. About nine o'clock the rain grew colder and the lightning less frequent. Katy became entirely silent Albert could feel her shiver now and then.

She was relieved, and apologetic to her friend Maud. "Of course. I was joking." "I'll tell you! Let's land here and sit on the shore that bunch of hazel-brush will shelter us from the wind and watch the sunset. It's like melted lead. Just a short while! We don't want to go back and listen to them!" "No, but " She said nothing while he sped ashore. The keel clashed on the stones.