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West, entering his home a full hour later, heavy-footed, the inevitable cigarette between his lips, was surprised to discover, on hanging up his cap, a morsel of white pasteboard stuck jauntily into the glass of the hatstand. It seemed to fling him an airy challenge. He stooped to look. A lady's visiting-card! Mrs. Nat V. West! A deep flush rose suddenly in his weather-beaten face.

Between these two considerations, at least, he was more than usually moved; and when he got to Randolph Crescent, he quite forgot the four hundred pounds in the inner pocket of his greatcoat, hung up the coat, with its rich freight, upon his particular pin of the hatstand; and in the very action sealed his doom.

Major Brill, late of the Fenshire Volununteers, stood in front of the small piece of glass in the hatstand, and with a firm and experienced hand gave his new silk hat a slight tilt over the right eye. Then he took his cane and a new pair of gloves, and with a military but squeaky tread, passed out into the road.

"Oh, I hope they haven't forgotten and taken it away again." But she might as well have spoken to the hatstand: Mrs. Gurley had sailed off, and was actually approaching a turn in the hall before Laura made haste to follow her and to keep further anxiety about her box to herself.

There were a few good pictures on the walls, as well as a gun-rack, well fitted with sporting guns and rifles; and a hatstand which, in addition to its legitimate use, formed a convenient support for sundry riding-whips and pairs of spurs.

'What an ingenious little thing you are! exclaimed the fairy; 'but, let us see if you came home and found your cruel papa doing duty as the family hatstand, or strutting about as a Cochin China fowl 'Oh, yes; and I'd feed him every day, till he was sorry! interrupted the warmhearted little girl impulsively. 'Ah, but you're so hasty, my dear.

There his amanuensis Ivan Matveyitch, a young man of eighteen, with a face oval as an egg and no moustache, wearing a shabby, mangy overcoat and no goloshes, is already standing by the hatstand. He is in breathless haste, and scrupulously wipes his huge clumsy boots on the doormat, trying as he does so to conceal from the maidservant a hole in his boot through which a white sock is peeping.

"On one occasion, when my brother was visiting me, his overcoat was taken from the hatstand in the hall." "A sneak thief, of course. The glass, however, was not so exposed?" "No; it was not on the lower floor at all." "It looks, then, as if it was taken by someone in the house." "It looks so," said Mrs. Hamilton gravely. "Have you confidence in your servants?

She stood there and she seemed to get redder and damper, and she twisted the corner of her apron round her fingers, and she said very shortly and fiercely 'If you please ma'am, I should wish to leave at my day month. Mother leaned against the hatstand.

I crept downstairs, to the dining-room, passed my hands over the sideboard, the mantel shelf, and took the round of the dinner-table, but found nothing to light my candle with. "The fire may not be out in the parlor," I thought; "it can be lighted there." I ran against the hatstand in the hall, knocking a cane down, which fell with a loud noise.