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And yet it is not long ago since a Hansard was worth three times as much. Where were our young politicians? There are serious men on both sides of the House. Men of their stamp twenty years ago would not have been happy without a Hansard to clothe their shelves with dignity and their minds with quotations. But these young men were not bidders.

Bligh, she knows all those common, and I may say up to this, infallible, signs of death, as well as I do. There is no mystery about them; they'll depose to the literality of the symptoms. You heard how they gave tongue. Upon my honour, I'll send the whole case up to my old chief, Sir Hervey Hansard, to London. You'll hear what a noise it will make among the profession.

Luke Hansard, to whom they owe their name, was born in Norwich, 1725, was trained as a printer, went to London with but a guinea in his pocket, was employed by Hughes, the printer of the House of Commons, succeeded to the business and became widely known for his despatch and accuracy in printing Parliamentary papers and debates.

The famous series of guides now called Baedekers take their name from Karl Baedeker, a German publisher, who in the first half of the nineteenth century began to publish this famous series. Members of Parliament still speak of the volumes containing the printed record of what goes on in Parliament as Hansard.

He proceeded to demonstrate that his predecessors had exhausted every device which their financial ingenuity could suggest, down to their last supposed master-stroke, the addition of 10 per cent to the assessed taxes thus adding very nearly the last straw which was to break the camel's back the last peculiarly cruel pressure on the lower orders. Hansard, vol. lxi. col. 423.

Not that the noble soul, born poor, should be set to spout in Parliament, but that he should be set to assist in governing men: this is our grand Democratic interest. With this we can be saved; without this, were there a Parliament spouting in every parish, and Hansard Debates to stem the Thames, we perish, die constitutionally drowned, in mere oceans of palaver.

Of course, I said nothing about Tom Hansard, and they pretended that they could not make out how I had got loose. I found out, however, that the whole plan was arranged beforehand by Dicky Snookes and my other messmates with the captain of the top, just to see what I was made of, and what I would do, it being understood that he was to keep whatever he could get out of me.

Kaye, Papers and Correspondence of Lord Metcalfe, pp. 414-15. See an admirable discussion of the point in Lucas's edition of the Report, i. p. 146 and ii. p. 281. Ibid. ii. p. 282. A speech by Charles Buller in Hansard, 30 May, 1844. Arthur to Normanby, 21 August, 1839. Ibid. 15 October, 1839. Protest of the Duke of Wellington against the Third Reading of a bill, etc., 13 July, 1840.

The policy of a great nation is often diverted into wrong channels by the memories of old speeches, and statesmen fear men who mole in Hansard. Again, I do not recommend inconsistency as a good thing in itself.

The obvious point, made by the Tories in Canada, and by Gladstone in England, was that the new scheme of compensation was certain to recompense many who had actually been in arms in the Rebellion, although their guilt might not be provable in a court of law. See Gladstone in Hansard, 14 June, 1849. Elgin to Grey, concerning Grey's Colonial Policy, 8 October, 1852.