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So it was that in the house itself, where more of his waiting treasures than ever were provisionally ranged, she sometimes only looked at him from end to end of the great gallery, the pride of the house, for instance as if, in one of the halls of a museum, she had been an earnest young woman with a Baedeker and he a vague gentleman to whom even Baedekers were unknown.

But, alas, under the profaned columns a crowd of people passes, with Baedekers in their hands, the same people that one sees here everywhere, the same world as frequents Nice and the Riviera. And, to crown the mockery, the noise of the dynamos pursues us even here, for the boats of Messrs. Cook are moored to the bank close by.

Here we help instruct one another, as we stand about or sit about in twos and threes or larger groups, reading aloud from our polyglot Baedekers while we join in identifying the different facts.

By the parapet to the great terrace that sweeps the city stood but three or four interlopers looking at the sunset and with their Baedekers only just showing in their pockets the sunsets not being down among the tariffed articles in these precious volumes.

She watched the tourists; their noses were as red as their Baedekers, so cold was Santa Croce. She beheld the horrible fate that overtook three Papists two he-babies and a she-baby who began their career by sousing each other with the Holy Water, and then proceeded to the Machiavelli memorial, dripping but hallowed.

She gave herself up at last, and it was a consummation like another: what she should have come to the National Gallery for to-day would be to watch the copyists and reckon the Baedekers. That perhaps was the moral of a menaced state of health that one would sit in public places and count the Americans.

It seemed, on occasion, as if the old trails might lie down the hollow of the Forum, under the arch of that broken aqueduct, beside the dark Volsinian mere; but when Peter arrived at any of these places he found them prepossessed by Germans gabbling out of Baedekers.

All round my apathy I felt, where I did not see, the energy of the others; with my mind's ear I heard a rustle as of the turning leaves of Baedekers, of Murrays, of Hares, and of the many general histories and monographs of which these intelligent authorities advised the supplementary reading.

It had been a particularly trying day, spent with a party of twenty Germans, who had said "Herrlich!" when she showed them the marvels of the Vatican and "Kolossal!" at the grandeur of the Colosseum and, for the rest, had kept their noses buried in their Baedekers. She groped her way cautiously down the black hall. Tina had a habit of leaving sundry brushes, pans or babies lying about.

"Our Baedekers will be a sight when we get home, won't they, Polly?" remarked Jasper, in a pause, when eyes had been busy to their utmost capacity. "I rather think they will," laughed Polly. "Mine is a sight now, Jasper, for I mark all round the edges and just everywhere." "But you are always copying off the things into your journal," said Jasper, "afterward.