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Updated: January 28, 2025
Copyists are kept busy, repeating the composition for eager purchasers, and it has made its way all over the world. The circle of graceful angels who, with the boy St. John, join the mother in adoring the Christ-child, is one of the chief attractions of the picture. It is a pretty conceit that one of these angels showers rose leaves upon the babe.
The language of both prefaces and perorations, whether corrupted by the copyists in transcription, or originally so written, is a most barbarous Latin. For the reasons indicated it has been deemed better to omit the pages alluded to, merely giving a few words of the commencement of each.
Alas! how ye commit us to treacherous copyists to be written, how corruptly ye read us and kill us by medication, while ye supposed ye were correcting us with pious zeal.
The gallery seemed to him full of copyists young and old: beardless rapins laughing and chatting with fresh maidens; old men sitting crouched on high seats with vast canvases before them; or women, middle-aged and plain, with knitted shawls round their shoulders, at work upon the radiant Greuzes and Lancrets; but that pale golden head nowhere!
As every romance was supposed to be a real history, the compilers of those in prose would have forfeited all credit if they had announced themselves as mere copyists of the minstrels.
The perforated strips were prepared in thirty minutes by ten persons, and duplicated by nine copyists. But to-day, nearly thirty-five years later, telegraphy in America is still practically on a basis of hand transmission! Of this period and his association with Jay Gould, some very interesting glimpses are given by Edison.
The copyists have certainly omitted an M after the DCCXX. Sillig, following Perizonius has introduced this correction into his text. LENORMANT, Manuel, &c. vol. ii. p. 175. G. SMITH, Assyrian Discoveries, p. 407. LENORMANT, Manuel, &c. vol. ii. p. 181. LAYARD, Nineveh and its Remains, vol. i. p. 124. These storms hardly last an hour. Some Assyriologists believe this to represent Merodach.
Eurasians are noted for their excellent penmanship, and a great number from generation to generation have found employment in Government offices, the greater number as mere copyists, but a few as confidential clerks and accountants, whose services have been highly appreciated by their official superiors. A considerable number have risen to important offices in the administration of the country.
Subsequent students often made notes in these manuscript books, and then other copyists copied these into the texts. Unfortunately we have not a number of codices to collate and correct such errors. Most of what Hildegarde wrote comes to us in a single copy, of none are there more than four copies, showing how near we came to missing all knowledge of her entirely. Dr.
The language, indeed, so far as can be judged from the very irregular orthography, is modern. If, as there is reason to suppose, the composition is ancient, it has evidently undergone a "revision" at the hands of the later copyists. In former times, as we know from the Jesuit vocabularies, the sound of r existed in the Onondaga dialect. Since their day this sound has disappeared from it entirely.
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