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As a candidate for the legislature, he professed an alarmingly advanced position, for he believed that the State ought to establish free schools where handicrafts and morals, but not religion, should be taught; that husband and wife should be equals before the law; that a mechanics' lien and bankruptcy law should be passed; and that by wise graduations all laws for the collection of debts should be repealed.

Their imports of silks, cloth of gold, stamped leather, wine and oil, and their superior skill in many handicrafts, had put English wares out of fashion; and their exports of wool, tin, and lead excited equal jealousy, which Dr Beale, instigated as was well known by a broker named John Lincoln, was thus stirring up into fierce passion.

But with youth in its favor, the Denver Art Museum hopes yet to see this art set in its rightful place with painting, sculpture, architecture, and the handicrafts hopes yet to be an instrument in the great work of making this art real as those others are being even now made real, to the expanding vision of an eager people. GEORGE WILLIAM EGGERS Director The Denver Art Association

"As for Matthew Maule's posterity," says the romancer, "to all appearance they were a quiet, honest, well-meaning race of people"; but "they were generally poverty-stricken; always plebeian and obscure; working with unsuccessful diligence at handicrafts; laboring on the wharves, or following the sea as sailors before the mast"; and "so long as any of the race were to be found, they had been marked out from other men not strikingly, nor as with a sharp line, but with an effect that was felt, rather than spoken of by an hereditary character of reserve.

At 4th Street and Avenue C is the exhibition of Chinese arts and crafts. The American section of so-called "Domestic Arts and Crafts" is at 1st Street and Avenue C, and contains a very small but select showing of all the usual handicrafts. Elsewhere in the building there are minor displays of textiles, ceramics, tapestries, silver work, and interior decoration, installed by commercial firms.

The sacred art of Egypt was transmuted into alchemy by contact with European thought and handicrafts, and the tenets and mysticism of the Catholic Church; and the conception of nature, which was the result of this blending, prevailed from about the 9th until towards the end of the 18th century.

Here are the family industries, the handicrafts, and a hundred little arts in which the Land of the Rising Sun excels. Little themselves in stature, the people of Japan are best in dealing with little things requiring daintiness, finish, and artistic taste.

Almost every New York painter of individuality and ability in oil, water-color and miniature work was represented adequately and creditably; the exhibit of sculpture was exceptionally fine; etching and engraving were exemplified by the ablest exponents of these branches of art, wood engraving by types of its highest expression; there was an excellent collection of works from the leading American illustrators, and noteworthy examples of the applied arts of artistic handicrafts by New York art workers were well in evidence.

The Ceylonese. The Greek name for the island of Ceylon was Taprobane, which Harrison used merely as a classical scholar. Oh, how many trades and handicrafts are now in England whereof the commonwealth hath no need! How many needful commodities have we which are perfected with great cost, etc., and yet may with far more ease and less cost be provided from other countries if we could use the means!

In the honour given to rulers, in the abstinence of the warrior class from agriculture, handicrafts, and trade in general, in the institution of common meals, and in the attention paid to gymnastics and military training in all these respects this State will resemble the former. True.