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"But Nick is a Scranton High boy after all, and that's a heap better than to see an Allandale fellow come in ahead!" cried another near by. "Look! a second runner has turned the bend; and see how he is coming up on poor wobbly old Nick hand-over-fist!" "Hello! what's this mean?" whooped a visitor exultantly. "Surely I know the second fellow's build. It's certainly our great Whipple!

Tucked away in this fold of the Sierras, forgotten, remote, the little community of a hundred souls that comprised the personnel of the Hand-over-fist lived out its life with the completeness of an independent State, having its own government, its own institutions and customs.

The Hand-over-fist Gravel Mine, though not in the higher Sierras, was sufficiently above the level of the mere foot-hills to be in the sphere of influence of the greater mountains. Also, it was remote, difficult of access. Iowa Hill, the nearest post-office, was a good eight miles distant, by trail, across the Indian River.

With my fol-de-rol, tooral-i-lay We'll see about that! The Indefatigable Woman turned the mark not more than four lengths astern. They had wind and tide against them now, and with her crew swinging out slow and steady, pulling the stroke clean through with a hard finish, she went up hand-over-fist. The blades of the Nonpareil were knocking up water like a moorhen.

"Money don't come in hand-over-fist, as it ought to come," remarked Grasp, of the flourishing firm of Grasp & Co., Merchant Tailors, of Boston, to the junior partner of the establishment. "The nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling, you know. We must make our shears eat up cloth a little faster, or we sha'n't clear ten thousand dollars this year by one-third of the sum."

"But Nick is a Scranton High boy after all, and that's a heap better than to see an Allandale fellow come in ahead!" cried another near by. "Look! a second runner has turned the bend; and see how he is coming up on poor wobbly old Nick hand-over-fist!" "Hello! what's this mean?" whooped a visitor exultantly. "Surely I know the second fellow's build. It's certainly our great Whipple!

The Dutchman provisioned him there with a bottle of strong waters and a bag of biscuits, and what's more called down to him so long as was prudent and kept him informed how the chase was going. By this time the lugger which I needn't tell you was Mr. Zephaniah Job's pet Unity, with Captain Dick Hewitt commanding was closing down on the Van der Werf, overhauling her hand-over-fist.

To drive a harpoon into the carcass, and run the line on board, was the simplest of jobs, for, as the captain had foreseen, my irons were drawn clean. I had no leisure to take any notice of them now, though, for whatever was on my line was coming up hand-over-fist. With a bound it reached the surface the identical cow so long attendant upon the dead whale.

"I used to see him in Mac's tent listenin' to Mac playin' the fiddle, and, between the pieces, wheedlin' Mac out of picks and shovels and dynamite cartridges hand-over-fist. Well, that was the last we saw of Stalky. A week or so later the passes were shut with snow, and I don't think Stalky wanted to be found particularly just then." "He didn't," said the fair and fat Abanazar. "He didn't.

She gives out her own happiness like electric sparks. She never can bottle it up and enjoy it selfishly." "And she stayed till she was fifteen?" "Yes. Then her father began to make money, and he made it " "Hand-over-fist," interposed Larry. "Exactly. And I never saw one so puffed up with pride and vain-glory. It would have been funny, only that he made us feel it so tragically.