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Hamlin, withdrawing himself from Sophy's side, instantly charged down upon them. "If you don't slide the lid back over that grinning box of dominoes of yours and take it inside, I'll just carry Hannibal off with me," he said in a quick whisper, with a half-wicked, half-mischievous glitter in his brown eyes. "That young lady's A LADY do you understand?

And yet it is when I am with you that I most despise myself." "How, then, can you endure my presence?" she asked, with a shy, half-mischievous glance. He flushed slightly, and tried to disguise a deeper meaning with a slight laugh, as he said, "If I were shut out of Eden, I should often be tempted to look over the hedge."

But his mouth and eyes were the same; and when he repeated in his old frank, half-mischievous way the invitation of his letter, poor little Carmen could only hesitate and blush. A thought struck him and sent the color to his face. Your gentleman born is always as modest as a woman. He ran down stairs, and seizing the widowed Plodgitt, said hastily: "You're just killing yourself here.

You see" she took us all into her confidence with a sweeping smile of innocent yet half-mischievous artfulness "I only know because I peeped over a letter he once got from his firm, telling him he must hustle up and be ready for the road the next day; but I think the name was Martinez yes, Ramon Martinez."

And there was a branch road and then the break in the fence and before I knew it I'd fallen asleep. That's all except " She shot a half-mischievous glance at him " you spoiled a very beautiful dream." But this was all lost upon him. His face was clouding again. "Where is it the break in the fence?"

Then he said with the half-mischievous smile which in Lucy Friend's eyes was one of his chief physical "points." "How you and Philip have toned her down!" "Oh, not I!" said Lucy, her modesty distressed. "I've always admired her so! Of course I was sometimes surprised " Geoffrey laughed. "I daresay we shall all be surprised a good many times yet?"

"Major Willard, for instance;" and she smiled in a half-amused, half-mischievous way. "You cannot be in earnest, surely?" said Emerson. "Why not?" queried his wife, looking at her husband with calm, searching eyes.

As confidants to whom one reveals a love-affair actually by genuine sympathy become lovers also, nay, grow into rivals, and at last, perchance, transfer the passion to themselves; so it was with us two: for, when my connection with Gretchen was torn asunder, my sister consoled me the more earnestly, because she secretly felt the satisfaction of having gotten rid of a rival; and I, too, could not but feel a quiet, half-mischievous pleasure, when she did me the justice to assure me that I was the only one who truly loved, understood, and esteemed her.

Dinah, answering their ring at the bell after the usual delay for reconnaissance, opined that her mistress would probably be found in the new rose-garden. She said it, as they both observed, with a demure, half-mischievous smile.

His swarthy countenance wore the half-mischievous, half-amused expression with which it was his custom to confront and baffle the world at large. No one knew what lay behind that facile mask. Only the very few suspected that it hid aught beyond a genial wickedness of a curiously attractive type.