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He was looking very tough and strong, and at the sight of him a half-formed idea, which she had regretfully dismissed as impracticable, of assaulting Constable Cobb, returned to her in an amended form. Tom did not know it, but the reason why she smiled so radiantly upon him at that moment was that she had just elected him to the post of hired assassin.

Audrey's laugh, was silver-clear and sweet, like that of a forest nymph indeed. She was quite happy again, with all her half-formed doubts and fears allayed. They had never been of him, only of herself. The two sat within the green and swaying fountain of the willow, and time went by on eagle wings.

For five minutes the great man devoted his powerful mind solely to the task of catching his visitor. The latter, however, proved as elusive as the point of a half-formed epigram, and at the end of the five minutes he was no longer within sight. Mr. Watson went off and addressed his keeper in terms which made that worthy envious for a week.

Believe me, your friend and grateful debtor, Mrs. Bunker cast a hasty glance around her, and pressed the letter to her lips. It was a sudden consummation of her vaguest, half-formed wishes, the realization of her wildest dreams!

Not only is induction not complete without deduction, but each deduction influences the principle which is applied, making it more sure and more flexible. Even in the process of induction, there are attempts to classify these facts which are being gathered under suggested old principles, or half-formed new ones, before the process is completed.

With a growing clarity the events of the day came back he had lost forever this shimmering princess in emerald green and black. Rage rose within him, and with a half-formed intention of taking her away from the crowd he started toward her or rather he elongated slightly, for he had neglected to issue the preparatory command necessary to locomotion.

These are motives enough to satisfy the most inquisitive mind, I should think." Marcus said this with an attempt at a light laugh. But there was one motive not yet confessed a motive which could hardly be called a motive, for it lay dim and half-formed within his brain. He had never, in his moments of self-inquisition, acknowledged its existence to himself.

How Lillian managed to quiet the elder woman's natural worry about Dicky, her half-formed suspicion that something was wrong, and her conviction that without her to look after me I should not be able to get through the winter, I never knew. I do not remember seeing my mother-in-law but once or twice in the interval between the receipt of Dicky's letter and her departure.

My heart grew sick and my head faint, as thoughts of the evil that might come to the son of my friend, in consequence of the temptation I was about to throw in his way, rushed through my mind. My first idea was to recall the card, and I lifted it from the table with a half-formed resolution to destroy it. But a moment's reflection changed this purpose.

"If one were assured," he murmured thoughtfully, "that Hunterleys' presence here had a real significance " Draconmeyer pushed his chair forward and leaned across the table. The heads of the three men were close together. His tone was stealthily lowered. "Let me tell you something, my friend Selingman, which I think should strengthen any half-formed intention you may have in your brain.