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An especial feature of this place is what is known as "the riding park," a stretch of smooth turf extending some miles, from which you may get a view over thirty miles, with the rocky heights of Dartmoor Forest, where the autumn manoeuvres take place this year, on the one hand, and the Haldon Hills on the other.

When she opened the door, the tall, young woman in black stepped inside as if there were no reason for her remaining even for a moment on the threshold. "I am Mrs. Haldon," she said. "I suppose you are the caretaker?" Haldon was the name of the people to whom the house belonged.

He tried to smile at her, but it was a pathetic attempt. Then, with an effort, he spoke so hoarsely that they could barely understand him. "It it's my voice," he whispered, gratingly. "Some sort of affection of my vocal chords. You'd better get a doctor. I I must be better by to-morrow." "Poor Daddy!" whispered Ruth. "I'll go down stairs and telephone for Dr. Haldon."

On an irresistible impulse, I suddenly made up my mind to go into Devon, a part of England I had never seen. At the end of March I escaped from my grim lodgings, and, before I had time to reflect on the details of my undertaking, I found myself sitting in sunshine at a spot very near to where I now dwell before me the green valley of the broadening Exe and the pine-clad ridge of Haldon.

"But the pavement in the High Street was dry enough." "Quite dry," said Dorothy. Then there came a peal of laughter from Mrs. MacHugh and Sir Peter, and Dorothy wondered whether anybody before had ever made those two steady old people laugh after that fashion. "I should so like to get a drive with you up to the top of Haldon Hill," said Mr. Gibson. "When the weather gets fine, that is. Mrs.

She did not know what made her cold. "My little girl " she began, "her name is Judith " "Where is she?" said Mrs. Haldon in a breathless way. "She is up-stairs," Jane answered slowly. "She goes into that back room on the fourth floor " Mrs. Haldon turned upon her with wide eyes. "It is locked!" she said. "They put everything away. I have the key." "The door opens for her," said Jane.

Were I the average man of my years, I should be striding over Haldon, caring not a jot for the heavy sky, finding a score of compensations for the lack of sun. Can I not have patience?

Early the next morning, without chief, without summons, five hundred gentlemen and yeomen, armed and mounted, had assembled on the summit of Haldon Hill. In twenty-four hours all Devonshire was up. Every road in the county from sea to sea was covered by multitudes of fighting men, all with their faces set towards Torbay.

Jem Foster had heard only the vaguest things of them, but Jane remembered that the name was Haldon, and remembering that they had gone away because they had had trouble, she recognized at a glance what sort of trouble it had been. Mrs. Haldon was tall and young, and to Jane Foster's mind, expressed from head to foot the perfection of all that spoke for wealth and fashion.

By lanes innumerable, deep between banks of fern and flower; by paths along the bramble-edge of scented meadows; by the secret windings of copse and brake and stream-worn valley a way lies upward to the long ridge of Haldon, where breezes sing among the pines, or sweep rustling through gorse and bracken. Mile after mile of rustic loveliness, ever and anon the sea-limits blue beyond grassy slopes.