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"Oh, I beg your pardon?" "I got me to the rail again, an', 'What's wrang? said Bell, hailin'. "'She'll do, I said. 'Send's o'er a hawser, an' a man to steer. I'll pull him in by the life-line. "I could see heads bobbin' back an' forth, an' a whuff or two o' strong words. Then Bell said: 'They'll not trust themselves one of 'em in this waiter except Kinloch, an' I'll no spare him.

But until I make up my mind, I don't want no reports made from this vessel to any other, and no matter what you say when you are hailin', how do I know what you mean, and what sort of signals you've agreed on between you?" Shirley was obliged to accept the situation, and when Burke had ceased to hail, he was allowed to go on deck.

"One night he was sittin' in his little house by the fire, and smokin' his pipe an' readin' the paper, an' 'twas rainin' an' blowin' an' hailin' an' stormin', an' he was so glad there wasn't anybody wantin' to go 'cross the river, when he heard somebody call out 'Ferus! An' he looked out the window, but he couldn't see nobody, so he sat down again.

Lois followed them in helplessly. The room was dark as night, for the shutters were closed. Mrs. Babcock flung one open peremptorily. "We'll break our necks here, if we don't have some light," she said. The hail began to rattle on the window-panes. "It's hailin'!" the women chorussed. "Are your windows all shut?" Mrs. Babcock demanded of Lois.

Then they'd give her a choice between the two of 'em and the one that lost would simply back off the boards. "They done what they agreed. For six months they stuck on the trail of old Piotto and never got in hailin' distance of him. Then they come on the gang while they were restin' up in the house of a squatter. "That was a pretty night. Drew and Bard went through that gang.

Prale laughed as he finished dressing, put on his hat and gloves, and reached for his stick. "Suppose you just shadow me this fine day," he told Murk. "Get a little practice in that line. Don't bother me, but just follow and watch." "I getcha, boss. You want me to be within hailin' distance in case you need help?" "Exactly, Murk. We never can tell what is going to happen, you know.

'Tother is a bird of the same flock down visitin' em. Carver's takin' 'em over to Ostable to say good-by to another specimen, a college mate, who is migratin' to Europe tomorrow. The chauffeur told Dan, my man, about it this afternoon. The chauffeur figgered that, knowin' the crowd, 'twas likely to be a lively farewell. Hello! there's Abbie hailin' me. See you later, Ros."