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I h'awful sorry." "But but I'm coming back, Mrs. Papineau," cried Madge. "I I can't live away from from Roaring River now!" "Dey two iss ter be marrit!" roared Stefan. "Hey! What you tank? I tank so all de time, you bet!" At this they all crowded around Madge, and such hand-shakings, and such kisses from the good woman and the children, and such joy depicted on all the faces!

His features were drawn, the brown tint of his face had changed to a characterless gray, his eyes looked sunken and brighter, as if some fever brought a flame into them. "Sure you no in h'awful beeg 'urry for to go 'ome, Mees?" asked the hostess. "Dis man heem real seek. Heem no fit for valk all vay back to Carcajou now. To-morrow my man take you.

"Py de looks off tem togs I tink you ban in some hurry, no?" "Uh huh! I come to telegraph for de docteur. Hugo heem 'urted h'awful bad. Look lak' heem die, mebbe." Stefan bellowed out an oath and began running towards his house at a tremendous gait. Papineau jumped on his toboggan and followed, only catching up after they had gone a couple of hundred yards.

It ees lucky it ain't you h'own man as lie dere an' you haf to see heem like dat. It is turriple ting to see. One time Papineau heem get h'awful seek, an' I watch him five no, six day and de nights. An' it vos back in de Grand Nord, no doctor nor noding at all. An' me wid my little Justine jus' two month ole in my h'arms.

The four pints of the compass is all plain sailing to 'im; and his 'airbreadth escapes is too h'awful. I shivers and shudders when I 'ears 'em. 'What is he doing here? 'He's on business; but I don't know what kind. Oh, he knows 'ow to 'old 'is tongue, does Jentham. 'He is a gipsy, he consorts with gipsies, he has money, and no one knows where he comes from, summed up Cargrim.

Plenty mans in dis coontree want wife to 'elp an' mak' good 'ome. It one h'awful big lan'." Yes, there was any amount of room in this great country. And the woman wanted her to go and find a good husband! Well, she had come far to seek one. It it had not been a pleasant experience. She saw herself wandering about this wilderness looking for another man who would take her to wife.