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I could at least busy them until the fugitives were safe; after that, it was God's affair, and theirs. My rifle was wet and useless from my recent tumble; but before the group at the water's edge even saw me I was fairly upon them, striking fiercely with my gunstock, and two savages went down, shrieking from pain and surprise, before so much as a return blow reached me.

He could not take aim a sort of mist was ever before his eyes, his hand trembled. People believed that he was perpetually haunted by the ghost of a young man whom, after he had shot, he had beaten to death with his gunstock, and then flung down a crevasse. Be that as it may, he would be absent for weeks in the mountains. He did no good, and the little he possessed fell into ruin.

There was a swift rush, and Ted dashed out the growing flame with his bucket of water. At the same moment Will and Jim Hutchings threw themselves upon a man who was just fanning the flame into vigor. The stranger sprang up, and a revolver shot rang out upon the night. On the instant a blow from Will's gunstock brought him to the ground, and Hutchings grabbed the revolver.

The envelope was worn out, but had preserved the closely-written note paper within; and taking a single page, he spread it on his gunstock, and, in broad-lined, coarsely-made letters, drew up the following record of their present position and prospects: "OFF CAPE NORTH, SUNDAY, April 15, 186 .

He formed the word with his lips. The franc-tireur nodded with a ghastly smile and glanced down at his dripping gunstock. Lorraine's hand closed on Jack's arm. "Come to the hill," she said; "I cannot stand that." On the crest of the wooded ridge crouched Tricasse, bared sabre stuck in the ground before him, a revolver in either fist.

But at the same time the painted defenders rose with a yell, and beat back their assailants with gunstock and hatchet. The red flag was seized by a tall savage, and Pierre gave a little cry of excitement as he thought the enemies' colors were captured. But his enthusiasm was premature.

It went striding along the shore at a great pace, sometimes running, and keeping down the west shore. Then they found a place where he had sat down and broken a lot of clam shells, and again had hastened on. But there was no mark of gunstock or other weapon where he sat; and why was he wearing boots? The hunters rarely did.

Then, taking him outside, they struck him to the ground and gave him a blow over the head with a gunstock and a cut of the bayonet, which pierced his thigh all the way through. "In spite of my wound," said he, "they made me pass between their lines, giving me still more blows of the gun-butt in the back in order to make me march. There were seventeen or eighteen persons with me.

The Indians broke in, but our fellows were getting the best of it when I left to help you. Menzies was in charge, and ah! here he comes now." The big Scotchman was loading his musket as he approached. He limped badly a gunstock had struck him on the thigh and he had a flesh wound in his left arm. He anxiously inquired how many we had lost, and when I told him, he shook his head gravely.

Yet again I think you overrate their little trick, since, after all" I touched my own gunstock "there remains a third way the way chosen by young Odo of Rocca Serra." She put out a hand. "Sir, that way you need not take if you will be patient and hear me!" "Lady," said I, "you may hastily despise me; but I am neither going to take that way, nor to be patient, nor to hear you.