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A twist of the wrist so swift their eyes could not follow, a metallic click, and the startled group were staring into the black muzzle of a menacing little automatic. "That's known as the sleeve trick, boys," explained Aldous with his imperturbable smile. "It's a relic of the old gun-fighting days when the best man was quickest.

The mines were paying tremendously; business was brisk twenty-four hours a day. An era of claim-jumping, faro-playing, dance-halls, the Bird-Cage, Opera House, Apache scares, stage hold-ups; and, of course, gun-fighting.

If the submersible were capable of dealing directly with the destroyer in gun-fighting, a tremendous revolution would take place in the tactics of "submarine swatting." Then it would be difficult to see how the submersible could be dealt with. Improvement in motive machinery is the vital necessity in the development of the submersible.

Many of the young men carry home-made billies or "brass knucks." Every man and boy has at least a pocket-knife with serviceable blade. Fights with such crude weapons are frequent. There are few spectacles more sickening than two powerful but awkward men slashing each other with common jack-knives, though the fatalities are much less frequent than in gun-fighting.

You show off your gun-fighting, damn you, and then you call it murder when I beat you fair and square and " He found it impossible to continue. The prisoner was actually smiling. "Hound dogs always hunt in the dark," said Red Jim. A quiver of fear ran through Hervey. Indeed, he was haunted by chilly uneasiness all the time.

Not one of those veiled threats and intimations had he confided to Creede, for the orders from Judge Ware had been for peace and Jeff was hot-headed and hasty; but in his own mind Hardy pictured a solid phalanx of sheep, led by Jasp Swope and his gun-fighting Chihuahuanos, drifting relentlessly in over the unravaged mesa.

I don't want to lose you either." "Aw, that's all right. I can take care of myself. An' besides, it ain't as though we was licked. We got a good chance." "But you'll lose if there is any killing." "Yep; we gotta keep an eye out against that." "No violence." "No gun-fighting or dynamite," he assented. "But a heap of scabs'll get their heads broke. That has to be."

And unless he liked gun-fighting, a man would have to be a good deal of a busybody to give the town marshal anything more tangible than his best wishes in the way of support. It was up to that official to look out for himself. At any time when complications followed his attempt to arrest a lawbreaker he could depend upon the average citizen to get outside the line of fire.

His plans were ruined at the very verge of a triumph. He hardly needed to hear the voice of Jordan saying: "I asked you to get rid of a gun-fighting killer and you've tried to murder a man. Hervey, get out of the Valley and stay out if you're fond of a whole skin!" And Hervey went. There followed a strange time for Alcatraz. He could not be led from the patio.

When it came to telling what he wanted to do, the Ranger warmed to his subject; he talked beautifully, convincingly, with a certain strange, persuasive power that betrayed how he worked his way; and his fine face, losing its stern, hard lines, seemed to glow and give forth a spirit austere, yet noble, almost gentle, assuredly something vastly different from what might have been expected in the expression of a gun-fighting Ranger.