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Latterly she has devoted her time mainly to journalism and literature, producing, inter alia, a guidebook to New York, a novel, and a volume of essays on social topics.

"We were in the Slough of Despond tonight, and Mother came and pulled us out as Help did in the book. We ought to have our roll of directions, like Christian. What shall we do about that?" asked Jo, delighted with the fancy which lent a little romance to the very dull task of doing her duty. "Look under your pillows Christmas morning, and you will find your guidebook," replied Mrs. March.

"But you can't get away from the facts, you know, Cargill." Cargill said no more. He perceived that they had lived long enough in retirement in the little Welsh village to have acquired a pride in its legend. The legend and the mountains are the two attractions of Tryn yr Wylfa the official guidebook devotes an equal amount of space to each.

"They turn out about twenty million tons of coke a year just around here," Helen read from her guidebook, "and it is one of the two greatest coke burning regions of the world!" "Where's the other?" "In the neighborhood of Durham, England." "It is a wonderful sight!" exclaimed Ethel Blue. "I never knew fire could be so wonderful and so different!" Mr.

Here, I am concerned with the history of the place only in its broader and more salient points, and with the minor details necessary in a guidebook not at all; I seek rather to give something of an impression of the past and present of the Palace, something that shall at once indicate the associations of the place, indicate its story, and hint at what there is to see, and that shall serve as souvenir and remembrancer of that which has been seen.

"'Dickens wrote thus about Restoration House in "Great Expectations,"" Betty read from the guidebook. "'I had stopped to look at the house as I passed, and its seared red brick walls, blocked windows and strong green ivy clasping even the stacks of chimneys with its twigs and tendrils, as if with sinewy arms, made up a rich and attractive mystery."

My Dear: I write a little word to tell you with how much satisfaction I watch your efforts to control your temper. You say nothing about your trials, failures, or successes, and think, perhaps, that no one sees them but the Friend whose help you daily ask, if I may trust the well-worn cover of your guidebook.

To the Imperial maniac it was of consequence that his predecessor in the government of civilised mankind was slain before him, and for us the information counts for something, too; just as one meets travellers who satisfy an artistic craving by enumerating the columns of a ruined shrine, and seeing that they agree with the guidebook.

With a glass I can find where Chambry and Barcy are, on the slope behind Meaux, even if the trees conceal them. But these are all little villages of which you may never have heard. No guidebook celebrates them. No railroad approaches them.

Every morning early he was at the door, rain or shine, to carry out our plans, which, with the aid of our guidebook, we had made the evening before. In this way, going steadily, day after day, we visited all points of interest for miles round and sailed up and down the Seine.