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I said a few words to encourage the girls, and then no sound of a human voice mingled with the gloomy scene. He started up, each limb convulsed With agonizing fear, He only heard the storm of night 'Twas music to his ear. Lord William. Away we went! Guert's aim was the islands, which carried him nearer home, while it offered a place of retreat, in the event of the danger's becoming more serious.

Our own bells made four times the noise of those of Herman Mordaunt; and it was very possible that one, who understood Dutch perfectly, might comprehend a call in that language, while seated in his own sleigh, when the same call could not be comprehended by the same person, while seated in Guert's.

I could see enough to ascertain this, but could not distinguish faces. I was feeling for my hunting-knife, when the Trackless's voice stayed my hand. "He wrong" said the Onondago, with emphasis. "Head too young hand good heart good head very bad. Too much fire dark here much better." This characteristic criticism on poor Guert's conduct, served to tell the whole story.

The visit of Guert's, to which I have just alluded, was after one of the customary offers, and usual replies; the offer direct, and the "no," tempered by the doubting and thoughtful brow, the affectionate smile, and the tearful eye.

Guert's presence of mind and decision did him excellent service here. Without delaying an instant, the moment it was in his power, he led Mary on that cake, and crossed the narrow branch of the river, which alone separated him from the main land, on it, dry-shod.

After turning all the chances and probabilities in our minds, I promised my companions not to lose a moment, but to use immediate means of ascertaining all that could be ascertained, in Guert's behalf, and of doing everything that could be done, to save him. "You will not deceive me, Corny," whispered Mary Wallace, pressing my hand at leave-taking, in both her own.

The streets themselves could not undergo that process with snow on the ground; but once beneath a roof, and everything that had the character of dirt was banished. In this particular Guert's bachelor residence was as faultless as if it had a mistress at its head, and that mistress were Mary Wallace.

Nature appeared to have intended him for a soldier. Although so powerful, his frame was agile a particular in which he differed from Dirck; who, although so young, already gave symptoms of heaviness, at no distant day. Then Guert's carriage waa as fine as his form. The head was held erect; the eye was intrepid in its glance; and the tread elastic, though so firm.

All the wildness of Guert's impulses could not altogether destroy his feelings tone, and tact as a gentleman; while all the soaring, extravagant pretensions of Jason never could have ended in elevating him to that character. Alas! Poor Guert! I sincerely mourned his loss for years, nor has his memory yet ceased to have a deep interest with me.

What a change is that from the triumph of victory to the sudden approach of death! I saw by the expression of Guert's countenance, as I raised him in my arms, that the blow was fatal. The ball, indeed, had passed directly through his body, missing the bones, but injuring the vitals.