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See Joan Bautista, Sermonario en Lengua Mexicana, p. 180. 4. yaoxochimiquiztica, "pertaining to the slaughter of the flowery war." This adjective refers to the peculiar institution of the "flowery war," guerra florida, which obtained among the ancient Mexicans.

The judgment was that the painter must live by his trade, and that as Guerra had given him painting to do he must therefore provide him with the wherewithal to live, seeing that the artist swore he had done his best to catch the likeness.

"The rest, Aurora dear, is pure flattery, which it becomes me not to speak nor you to hear. I won't read it." "Well, I never!" breathed Aurora. "Who did it?" "We did it! My father and your Doctor Bewick and Carlo Guerra and I. We did it to be before anybody else, set the worst that could be brought up against you in a light that explains and justifies.

No amount of habit could remove the repugnance he felt at uttering the word 'fire. Yet this gentle warrior, when his career was closed and he lay chained to his bed of pain, endorsed his memoirs with the Spanish motto: 'La guerra es la verdadera vida del hombre. War was the veritable life of Garibaldi; war, not conspiracy; war, not politics; war, not, alas! model farming, for which the old chief fancied in his later years that he had discovered in himself a vocation.

Peter heard the chanting as they passed, saw, through the archways into the streets, glimpses of it. He heard their plaintive hymn that entreated pity: "Difendi, O Caterina Da peste, fame e guerra, Il popol di Cartoleto In mare e in terra..." Above the hymn rose the howls of little St.

"Then stop, men; hold your hands, and leave this cavalier to me," cried George, dashing in and striking up the points of the English weapons that still threatened the Spaniard. Then, as the men drew sullenly and unwillingly back, the young captain advanced, with lowered point, and his left hand held out. "Your sword, senor," he demanded. "On the word of an Englishman, I promise you buena guerra."

Three captains one of them rejoicing in the martial name of Cesar Guerra were publicly beheaded in Brussels. A fourth, Ventimiglia, was degraded but allowed to escape with life, on account of his near relationship to the Duke of Terranova, while Governor Lanzavecchia was obliged to resign the command of Gertruydenberg.

As to all the rest of the officers and crews, they have doubtless all handed in their last account and taken passage across the Unknown Sea to the other world. Of the ``fascinating'' Dona Angustias dela Guerra, whose graceful dancing with Don Juan Bandini in Santa Barbara during the ceremonies attending the marriage of her sister, Dona Anita with Mr.

Guerra y muerte á tiranos y esclavos, Guerra y despues habra paz! Himno de Valladolíd. It still wanted an hour of daybreak, on the 16th day of July 1835, when the stillness, that during the previous four or five hours had reigned undisturbed in the quiet streets of Artajona, was broken by the clang of the diana.

Accordingly Ripoll gave an order for the guard to withdraw, but the Indians insisted that the soldiers leave their weapons. Two refused, whereupon they we're savagely attacked and wounded. This so incensed Guerra that he marched up from the presidio in full force, and a fight of several hours ensued, the Indians shooting with guns and arrows from behind the pillars of the corridors.