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They were often decorated gruesomely with skull and crossbones, scythes, coffins, and hour-glasses, all-seeing eyes with rakish squints, bow-legged skeletons, and miserable little rosetted winding-sheets. A writer in the New England Courant of November 12, 1722, says: Of all the different species of poetry now in use I find the Funeral Elegy to be most universally admired and used in New England.

They could not bear that their perfection of health and life should come into contact with something so chillingly, gruesomely different, that their glowing youth should be wasted in the dim shadows of sick-rooms or amidst the dank vapours hovering over the dark river which all must ford when their time comes.

The draft was immediately ordered to "dig in," as the plane we had been watching a few minutes before had dropped its signal directly over this position. We lost no time in digging more of these shallow pits, that reminded one rather gruesomely of graves, and had barely scraped them deep enough to roll into before a hail of small high-explosive shell fell all around us.

Lifting the heavy blade, I brought it down with all my strength upon the nearer of those hairy arms where it crossed the window-ledge, severing muscle, tendon and bone as easily as a knife might cut cheese.... A shriek a shriek neither human nor animal, but gruesomely compounded of both followed... and merged into a choking cough.

She could not credit bloodshed, death. Always in her life both had been things remote. And as the real significance of Lefty Howe's story grew on her, she shuddered. It lay at her door, equally with her and Monohan, even if neither of their hands had sped the bullet, an indirect responsibility but gruesomely real to her. God only knows to what length she might have gone in reaction.

She saw but little of him for two months, and then he was called across the Atlantic by his wife's illness and left the place. "Write to me now and then," he said, when he came to bid her good-bye. "What can I write about from Willowfield to a man in Paris?" she asked. "About Willowfield," he answered, holding her hand and laughing a little gruesomely.

Still with that nightmare dread upon her, she descended and passed into the old chapel of the monks. The stained window at the end cast a lurid stream of light along half its length. She caught her breath in an irrepressible shudder. She thought she had never before realized how gruesomely horrible that window was. Nick's hand closed upon her elbow, and she breathed again.

It would stand to reason that the Magpie would not lure a victim to his own den, and A low cry was on Jimmie Dale's lips. The bed was moved out now, and he was stooping over a man whose head was gruesomely battered above the right temple and back across the skull. The flashlight wavered in his hand, as he held it focussed on the other's face. It was the Magpie dead.

It is not empty as Ypres is empty: troops are quartered in the cellars, and at the approach of our motor knots of cheerful zouaves came swarming out of the ground like ants. But Ypres is majestic in death, poor Nieuport gruesomely comic.

When the war broke out there was something gruesomely comic in the proclamations of emperors and archdukes appealing to that invincible soul of a nation whose existence or moral worth they had been so arrogantly denying for more than a century.